Tag Archives: woman

Keep Track of Those Lottery Tickets!

A Maryland lottery player accidentally threw out a $250,000 Mega Millions ticket and retrieved it after a frantic 90 minute search. The 49 year old lottery player from Baltimore bought several lottery tickets for the March 9th drawing. The man checked his tickets but failed to realize he had a winning ticket. Shortly after he threw away the tickets a Maryland lottery employee told his brother that a winning ticket had been purchased at Barnabas Liquors in Temple Hills, the same store where the winning ticket was purchased. After the man’s brother told him the news the man called the store to check the winning numbers. The man went to the store and after searching through trash for about an hour and a half the winning ticket was located. The lucky winner said he will use his winnings to pay off bills and he and his wife are planning a trip to Europe.

A similar near mishap almost happened on the other side of the world. A New Zealand woman carried around a $4 million dollar winning ticket in her handbag for about a month before she realized she had had a winning lottery ticket. The middle aged woman had purchased a New Zealand Powerball lottery ticket at a local supermarket and stuck the ticket in her handbag along with other old lottery tickets. The woman and her family were shocked at the big win and the woman said that perhaps it was time to ‘upgrade’ her old battered handbag. She plans to upgrade the family’s home and help other family members.

n almost identical situation occurred in Melbourne Australia. The woman had bought a superdraw ticket last September and thought she had misplaced the lottery ticket. The unnamed woman stated, ‘I was just doing some spring cleaning and came across a ticket clipped to some other paperwork by a bulldog clip. I knew West Doncaster News and Lotto had sold a division-one winner but I thought I had lost my ticket. ‘Then I found it filed away yesterday and thought I’d call Tatts to see if I’d won anything. I really had no idea that it was the actual winning ticket.’

Imagine if these lucky winners remained in the dark about their big lottery wins. Most lottery experts say that the sale of online lottery tickets would prevent similar situations. Many countries now sell online lottery tickets and several lotteries send email alerts to winners which would prevent similar near mishaps like the ones above. It is time lotteries discarded outmoded technology and joined the 21st century.

Gambling Superstitions – Don't get Your Panties in a Knot!

I once heard about a woman who always wears the same underwear when she goes out to gamble – the friend that told me about this lady also said that it wasn’t too clear whether she ever washed the pair since the taxi drivers outside the Vegas casino she played at had all taken vows never to drive her again. I won’t discuss how he found out about her habits and superstitions, but let’s just say that he had gotten to know her better than most of us would like to.

Many people, and not only those that participate in gambling, have their respective superstitions. The great American basketball player Michael Jordan was known for always wearing his North Carolina college shorts under his Chicago Bulls uniform for good luck. There was also a great television commentator who would never conduct his soccer commentaries without the aid of his special knife – it is said that a miniature, almost toy-like pocket stiletto, was given to him as a present by the greatest footballer of all time, Pele. Needless to say, since the introduction of metal detectors at most world stadiums, it has become near impossible for the same commentator to enter the commentary booths and today much rather prefers to perform his passion from the studio.

Since I have lately been thinking greatly about some superstitious, mind-bogglers, told to me by many gamblers, I have decided to share some of them with you. These may seem a little far-fetched – I myself cannot figure out whether they are true or simply just old wives tales told within the gambling community. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy the read.

Ahead of the game

Apparently, somewhere in a Californian jail resides an ex-online casino player who is known for unplugging his computer directly from the wall socket every time he made a substantial win. When asked why, he responded that ridding computers of their bad energy is essential if one wishes to be a successful online gambler. He also confessed that he has demolished a number of computers because of the practice. The man was arrested and prosecuted when the police found his neighbor’s severed head in the trunk of his pickup.

Boil them Coolers

In Vegas lived a perspiring, overweight woman who believed reverentially in casino Coolers. For those who don’t know, Coolers are individuals hired by casino managers, and sometimes the casino owners themselves, to bring bad luck to players. Somehow inherently possessing heaps of misfortune, these people are rushed to ‘hot-tables’ where patrons are doing better than the casino would like them to, and so, by some unexplained phenomenon, the payer’s luck turns instantaneously rotten. Hocus-pocus you may say? Perhaps …

Looking very suspect, whilst sitting at a blackjack table in a well known Vegas casino, the woman in question began wincing profusely: a sweltering puddle of water rapidly accumulated beneath her footwear and many of the other players at the table began asking her what the hell was going on; some of them thinking she was about to give birth. Shunning a response, the woman acted oblivious to the sodden affair. Soon after security arrived, they discovered that the woman had taped a number of boiling water-bottles to her torso, thighs and upper-arms. Later in the hospital, whilst treated for second degree burns to her left thigh, the woman said that one of the water bottles had unexpectedly punctured, but she didn’t want to tell anyone because she was ashamed to admit her superstition. “Just trying to beat them damn Coolers, that’s all,” said the woman when questioned about the peculiar incident.

Backdoor Breakers

This particular superstition is quite an old one: it has been told for years, and I for one completely believe in it – I know of people who have tried to pull this off on many occasions.

A great number of casino players believe that walking through a casino’s main entrance is bad luck. These people go through great lengths to make sure that they enter casinos via alternative entrances. Since most avid gamblers make friends with staff members at casinos they often get a helping hand; they are let in through casino kitchens, or security entrances, which as far as managements are concerned constitutes for a serious breaches in security. Since casino security is not as lax as it used to be, players who have problems coming in through the main entrance have recently found the going tough.

But it wasn’t until 2009 that a 45 year old man attempted to abseil into a casino located on the 12th floor of a well known building in the city of Cape Town, South Africa. The man saw the perfect opportunity when he spotted that one of the casino’s windows was wide open. Known for his rock-climbing talents, the man attached a karabiner to the top of the building and courageously abseiled down. He however dismally missed his marker and entered a room two floors up where a gang was conducting a drug deal. Thinking that they were slap bang in middle of a police raid, the gangsters fled the room leaving the man with close to 2 million dollars in cash, and all the drugs to last Hollywood for a week. Talk about a Casino Bonus.

In this case superstitions worked for the gambler and not against him.