Tag Archives: winning lottery

Win the Lottery Guaranteed – Surefire Simple And Effective Tips

To win the lottery guaranteed, you need to have a plan, some strategies and most importantly, an implementation plan. So what are the simple and effective tips that can help you to win the lottery guaranteed?

First, familiarize yourself with the rules of the lottery game which you are taking part in. This is the fundamental rule that everyone must know even before taking part in a game. However, most of the time, the players are not familiar or aware of how a system picks the winning lottery numbers. To win the lottery guaranteed, you must at least know how the game is played, their rules and how the winning numbers are selected.

Second, play with the same combinations of numbers for each subsequent game. Most players tend to change the numbers of their combination when they fail to win anything with those numbers for several times. The fact is, the longer a combination is not hit, the more possible for it to win the lottery guaranteed. So, you must not simply change the combinations. If you really want to buy other numbers, then buy a new set of numbers.

Third, apply mathematical rules. Based on the past statistics, numbers that have won the lottery in a previous week are not precluded from winning again in the following week. However, it is also a recognized fact that in a lottery game, the numbers are drawn randomly. This means every number has an equal chance of winning the lottery. If a number that has won the lottery a week before is drawn again this week, this means the chances for other numbers to win the game are reduced. This is something that doesn’t sit well with the numbers and random theory. So, while it is still possible for the same winning number to appear as winner again, the chances are not as good as numbers that have not won the game before.

Fourth, observe the winning patterns. Statistics have shown that draws with all even numbers have a better chance of winning the lottery. If you want to have a 50% winning chance, then you can go by having both even and odd numbers equally. Another pattern that you would want to take note is by having both small and big numbers in your lottery ticket. It is not common for all winning numbers to be small or big numbers. So, to enhance your chances to win the lottery guaranteed, the way is by having both even and odd numbers, with both small and big numbers.

Fifth and finally, to win the lottery guaranteed, another must-have attitude is persistence and perseverance. Remember, there is a price for everything. Same goes for lottery. There is no free lunch in this world but if you have the will, there is always a way. One best thing about lottery is if you work hard and smart enough, your chances of winning the lottery are almost guaranteed. And when you win, all your hard works will be far better paid off compared to the effort that you’ve put in. It might sound “strange” or “new” to you, but you really have to treat your lottery game like a business. Invest time to study the game. Invest in a good system and educate yourself to equip yourself with the necessary skills to win the lottery. Study your strategy to recognize the weaknesses and improve along the way. These are all important essentials that will help you to win the lottery guaranteed in a long run.

While the above tips would enhance your chances of winning the lottery substantially, it takes more than the above to win the lottery guaranteed. Fortunately, with the advanced strategy in this modern age, there are lottery systems that you can rely on to enhance your winning chances up to 98% or 9 out of 10 games. What you need to do is to find the system and use it wisely.

How To Pick Winning Lottery Numbers Using The Killer Strategies!

“How to pick winning lottery numbers” is a frequently asked question by most lottery players.

The next million dollar question is “is it really possible to pick winning numbers by using some strategies? Or the numbers are just so randomly picked that it is something so unpredictable?”

Majority of the lottery players play and buy lottery without a system or strategy. That is also why so many players ended up losing lots of money in lotteries. They just simply buy and simply lose! If you are a regular lottery buyer and wanted to make it big, then learn know how to pick winning lottery numbers.

It is not all about luck. There ARE systems and strategies from which you can learn how to pick winning lottery numbers.

One of the strategies on how to pick winning lottery numbers is what commonly known as “hot and cold number” method. This method is where you can check out the regularly drawn numbers (known as “hot number”) and buy those numbers for your entry. Some numbers, like “38” do appear more often than any other numbers for an unexplainable reason. Britain’s National Lottery Commission released a report that stated since the number 38 popped up so many times, lotto games seemed not to be random.

On the other hand, “cold numbers” refer to numbers which are rarely drawn or have not been drawn for some time. Some people prefer to go for the “cold number” hoping that they will be drawn soon since they are lesser drawn. While this strategy is not a guaranteed way where you can predict what the next winning numbers will be, it does help in having a better guess on what are the “hot numbers” that might appear again in the next game.

Another strategy on how to pick winning lottery numbers is by using a lottery wheel system. This is a system which helps you to generate a combination of numbers from your chosen numbers. The wheel can help you to arrange the numbers in a certain way that can enhance your chances of winning lottery prizes.

There are a few types of wheel. A full wheel provides the most combination of numbers that you have chosen. As such, it gives you the highest chance to win the lottery. That is also why it is more expensive than the other types of lottery wheel.

Another wheel is called “abbreviated wheel”. It gives you lesser set of numbers but one of the set is guaranteed to win. It is less costly than the full wheel.

The 3rd strategy on how to pick winning lottery numbers is by using a number generator which will help producing your personal lucky number based on the relation between numbers and other factors, like mystical, physical or any other living things.

This system combines items such as number of your first name, the total sum after adding up the numbers of your birth date, and generate a “lucky” number for you. Again, this is not a guaranteed system. But it is nice to have and fun to do. There are things that just beyond what our mind can apprehend or explainable by science.

The 4th strategy on how to pick winning lottery numbers is by using an established system. In this regard, the Silver Lotto System is the only system which enhances your chance of winning the lottery by eliminating the “bad” numbers. “Bad numbers” are numbers or sequences of numbers that never appear in a lotto game. By eliminating those “bad numbers”, the system focuses on numbers that normally drawn. That has increased the rate of winning the lottery game to as high as 99%.

With the above strategies, you should now have a better idea on how to pick winning lottery numbers. This is an important tip on winning the lottery. Do it right and your chances to win big in lottery would be closer by!