Tag Archives: win roulette

How to Win At Roulette

There are times when you would try almost anything to substantiate your earnings. Each and every one of us goes through financial crunches at one time or another, and fortunately there are many effective ways to earn some honest money, be it in the real world or online. Many people turn to gambling in hopes of big winnings, but very few succeed in leaving the gambling table with a considerable profit. What is it that makes some people a lot more successful than others? Could it be that they are using a particular strategy or technique that they are reluctant to share with the others? Some ‘experienced’ gamblers claim that there is no such thing as a roulette strategy, for instance, and that all the roulette techniques you can find online are just scams. They couldn’t be farther from the truth. The reality is that you can win at roulette, and when I say win, I mean you can leave the table with five-figure winnings. Some successful gamblers have already chosen to reveal their secrets, and thus their winning roulette strategy is now available online. All it takes is that you find such a web site and download an eBook on roulette and roulette techniques. Some of them may be scams, which is why you should do a background check on the author and his reliability and credibility before making any such purchases.

Even if you don’t play the roulette for money but just for the fun of it, it would not hurt to be able to make some serious cash every now and then. And even if you win at roulette from time to time, I’m sure you would welcome a more substantial winning at any time. If the roulette is a favorite leisure activity of yours, why not turn it into a profitable activity? In spite of what some so-called experts say, you can win at roulette. It is only a matter of creating your own winning strategy or using the strategy of someone who has already figured out the best way to get considerable winnings from this form of gambling.

By definition, gambling refers to taking chances, and more often than not, these chances result in financial losses for the gamblers. The roulette is no exception. However, losing at roulette does not have to be a rule. You can win at roulette, provided you have a good strategy. In most cases, such a winning strategy can only be created after some years of experience with the game. Therefore, if you are new to it and want to win at roulette, there is no better alternative than using the efficient strategy that experienced players have already come up with.

Winning at roulette is not something that everyone can do. And if you believe that there is no strategy or technique that you could use, no roulette system whatsoever, and it is all a matter of good luck and fortune, you are mistaken. If you are a serious gambler, I’m sure you have met people who win at roulette time and time again. How is that possible? Could it be that they are using a strategy that they are not willing to disclose? This is indeed the answer. And fortunately, there are gamblers who are willing to share their roulette technique with the others. Such systems that will help you win at roulette are available and useful for beginners and experienced players alike.

Learn how to win at roulette with the Fibonacci system!

I would like to share with you a simple system created by a man known as Fibonacci, who was born in 1170 A.D. in Pisa Italy. He created and discovered a simple mathematical system that applies to nature in general. Using his system you can apply it to win at roulette following this system of numbers as the system itself:

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233

Now this roulette system will seem a little bit complicated but it really isn’t. It’s a lot like the Labouchre roulette system. You simply add each number ahead of the next. As an example: 1+0= 1, 1+1 = 2 + 1 = 3 + 2 = 5 +3 8 + 5 = 13 + 8 = 21 etc. Each number is added to the outcome of the previous number added. With this way to win at roulette, the number that is next in the sequence is the size of your bet. If you lose, that bet is added to the end of the number sequence however if you win the last number is removed from the sequence.

Bet 1 unit and lose: 1 -1 units

Bet 1 unit and lose: 1-1 -2 units

Bet 2 units and lose: 1-1-2 -4 units

Bet 3 units and win: 1-x-x -1 units

When you are using this roulette system, you start with one unit you bet with. The second unit is also one bet. If you lose both, your next bet is for both units you lost, plus two for a potential profit. You should get the picture if you can wrap your mind around the Fibonacci roulette system easily.

The fibonacci roulette system can be brutal if you hit a losing streak, but I personally suggest you stop after a string of 3 losses in a row. Just keep the sum total of the fibonacci locked inside your mind while you take a break. Remember no point in getting overly emotional or attached to a losing streak.

If you use common sense and practicality, log and no emotions while playing roulette, you can actually have a lot of fun with the Fibonacci roulette system. I recommend you keep your bets to the lowest size as possible, usually five dollars. Over all when you want to learn how to win at roulette this free system will help you on the way to better wins and lower losses!