Tag Archives: win lottery

Use This System Before Playing The Mega Million Lottery

You can win the lottery quickly if you know the right tricks. Winning the lottery is mostly about luck and strategy. I’d rather have a well thought out plan in place rather than relying on luck. Don’t stress too much about having a system in place if you don’t have one…. winning mega millions can be easy if you have all of the right answers.

If you have never won anything in your life, try these 6 strategic guidelines to winning the lottery and watch your luck change.

Tip 1) Purchase multiple games or buy more tickets. If you play 5 lines per game with one ticket, you could win big but chances are you won’t. One ticket is not enough. You need more lines to play in one game. If you are short on cash and are unable to do this, hold off playing until you can play more tickets in one game. This is the best way to win at lottery games.

Tip 2) Do you regularly win at lottery games? If you are losing more than you are winning, try playing one game with more numbers. Winning the lottery can be done in more than one way but playing 5 different games per week with just a few tickets for each game will not net you the results you want. Hitting the mega millions is not a fantastic feat if you concentrate your efforts on a single ticket.

Tip 3) Have you thrown in the towel and swore off playing the lottery for good? Be the winner you want to be. Press on. If you stop playing, you can’t win.

Tip 4) Spending several dollars more on multiple tickets is not playing sensibly, right? Take some friendly advice… playing the lotto is somewhat like going to see your favorite band at a concert with backstage passes… unfortunately, you can’t go beyond the gates with just your good looks or right intentions. You will have to purchase a ticket. Stay in the game and play as often as you can.

Tip 5) Set some high goals for yourself and be set on achieving them. Encourage yourself and start making plans to enjoy your future. See yourself buying many homes across the country, flying in your private learjet, and being a local hero… fantastic plans like these will get you on the road to success!

Tip 6) Using your own numbers and a good lottery strategy will eliminate the least effective lottery combinations and improve your chances of winning. So don’t depend on quick pick tickets. There is no need to play the lotto game by playing in the dark. This is what you are doing when you opt for quick picks.

Greatly improve your chances at winning the lottery and discover proven methods on how to win the lottery fast with Ken Silver’s 1-minute, 300% guaranteed Silver Lotto System.

Dramatically increase your chances of winning the lottery using Ken Silver’s Silver Lotto System. Be among the thousands of lottery winners in over 100 countries that have won 8 out of every 10 games they played!

#1 Best Lottery Blog – Best Lotto Blog

Almost everyone wants to win the lottery. They play the lottery but they don’t study how to win the lottery. Before I teach you a proven strategy to win the lottery, let me first tell you two systems of thinking that does not work.

First of all, some people believe that you can have spells to win the lottery. Now, I don’t know about you but I’ve met these people and these people don’t seem to win the lottery. Look at psychics. They are not winning the lottery even though they may try spells to win the lotto. It just doesn’t work.

Another method that doesn’t work is using your birthday numbers. Using your birthdays numbers to win the lottery is a myth. You know why? It’s because the range for the birthday numbers will only be from 1 to 31.

Using birthday numbers will completely prevent you from using other numbers (32 and above) which can have a great chance of hitting in the big lottery.

So those are the two methods most people use that do not work in the real world.

And now, let me share with you one technique that has been proven to work in the lottery games. I know this because I have personally sold tens of thousands of dollars in the lottery games on a monthly basis as a lottery retailer. I see what works and what doesn’t.

In addition, many lottery systems have backed up my research as well. The research is that certain numbers turn out to hit more often than other numbers. This is what I call the “frequency theory”.

Let me explain what the frequency theory means. It means that you should play the numbers that have been hitting the most often in the most recent drawings.

Now, this may sound like contradictory to your average way of thinking. Most average lottery players think that they should play the numbers that haven’t hit for a long time. And this may seem like the common sense approach.

But history has repeatedly shown that you will have better success picking numbers that have been the most frequent rather than the least frequent. That’s what I call following the frequency theory. In short, you want to play the frequent numbers (also known as the cold numbers). This will bring you success in the long run.

So from now on, forget about those old myths and old approaches about how to win the lottery. Those old common myths do not work. Instead, use a lottery system and lotto strategy that has been proven and tested with real results. The first step for you is to start looking for the most frequent numbers and implement them into your own lottery numbers.