Tag Archives: wagering

With Bookmaking Software the Online Bookmaking Is The Way Of The Future

Bookmaking software has advanced to the point where anyone who wants to run a local sports wagering operation can do so with the same professional grade wagering platform used in major sportsbooks. Pay per head companies, located offshore in countries like Costa Rica where online wagering is legal, have opened the flood gates to advanced outsourced wagering services for local bookies.

The traditional bookmaker sportsbook operation consisted of a phone room staffed with trustworthy clerks and set up in a clandestine location. Players were only able to place their wagers at certain times or on certain days. Not only did this limit the amount of wagers a player could make each week but the operation could be shut down at any time if discovered by the authorities. Online bookmaking with a pay per head service now allows bookies to outsource this vital part of the operation to a legal jurisdiction and simply focus on collections and payments.

The best pay per head services provide bookmaker luck entertainment center games which can greatly increase the overall bookmaker hold percentage. Players will not only gamble more money but will also remain more active throughout the year. The bookmaking software will further improve on the hold percentage by dramatically increasing the variety of sports bets a player is able to make. Bookies can now offer parlays, teasers, round robins, if wins and futures bets and horse racing which they may have had to pass on before.

Mobile bookmaking is another technological wonder that bookies will enjoy. Quite simply it allows them to access all of their reports on player activities in real-time from any mobile internet device. Gone are the days where the bookie was chained to a desk in an office somewhere monitoring his player action. Mobile access gives you the freedom to conduct business on the move without missing a beat.

All of this can lead the modern day bookie to only one conclusion, signing up with a pay per head service is the best way to continue making money from local gamblers. With all the tools that online bookmaking provides, especially the mobile bookmaking applications that will keep you connected at all times, you’ll soon be making more money than ever.

Blackjack Wagering & Bankroll

Wagering and Bankroll play an important roll in card counting. First, a card counter knows he must raise his bet when the odds are in his favor. Second, a counter must have a large enough bankroll to weather a losing streak. Remember a statistical advantage is only evident in the long term. Short term you can lose and often do.

Bankroll. Your bankroll is the starting amount of money you sit down to play blackjack with. Generally, the minimum bet (and therefore the maximum bet) is determined by the bankroll. Again, you must have sufficient funds to continue through a losing streak.

An average minimum bet is your total bankroll divided by 150. Thus a $3000 bankroll would indicate a $20 minimum bet. This is just less than 1% of the bankroll. For slightly more aggressive wager, set the minimum to 1%. Thus $3000 bankroll yields a $30 minimum bet.

Bet Spread. A card counter must increase his wager when the odds favor him. When the odds are not in his favor, he wagers the minimum bet (or leaves the table). In a typical 5 deck shoe, a wager of 8 times the minimum bet is recommended. You must wager enough to recuperate the loses sustained while betting the table minimum. I personally like to see a 10 times increase. So if your minimum bet is $20, your maximum should be $200.

Another common wagering tactic is to bet proportional to the count. For example, you would want to wager more on a +5 count versus a +1 count. Note that the amount you increase from the minimum bet depends on the number of decks used.

It is important to note that casino spot card counters by watching the bet spread. A casino will count cards of a suspect player and note if he is wagering more on positive counts. If the player is identified as a counter, the dealer will be instructed to shuffle very frequently, constantly resetting the running count and preventing the player for reaching an advantage. Keep this is mind when wagering, and know that large jumps in the wager are a signal to the casino.