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Star Wars: The Old Republic Pre-Beta Gameplay Impressions

Star wars the old republic will be the newest addition of video games to the star wars franchise. Not like earlier role playing games primarily based on the star wars back story, SWTOR will be a fully fledged MMORPG. It’s good to know that Bioware the earlier creators of the final couple of very well selling star wars rpgs such as knights of the old republic, is again on the helm and developing this.

One of many new touted options of the SWTOR MMORPG is one thing they name “flashpoint”, and is one of the greatest renovations to the game, and possibly to MMORPGs; to have come in a long time. Although it has a fancy name, in SWTOR flashpoint refers to how the game will create and instance dungeons. A flashpoint is an instanced dungeon that’s created to be more tightly woven into your personal game storyline.

Most MMORPGs are closely action centered and the storyline generally is a little bit of a throw away, meaning it’s there simply to present you a vague sense of some motive for the locales you happen to be in. Nonetheless, the purpose then is basically simply to kill monsters to get a) XP or b) loot. Story line isn’t actually the main focus. What do you do with XP and loot? Simple you move from PvM (player vs monster) into the PvP (player vs player) realm where all that loot and XP will get pitted in opposition to different players.

Although many will enjoy pitting their abilities and wits against other skilled opponents online, I personally liked to play MMO rpgs cooperatively and enjoy the storyline and surroundings as I go through it. Too often when playing an MMO the concept of enjoying the journey gets lost as you blindly get sucked into just levelling (i.e. grinding) to hit the PvP tiers.

That is where SWTOR becomes fascinating, with Bioware behind the development and knowing their insane build quality for good well thought out rpgs and storylines I can’t wait to see how the game will finally become like when it is released.

Video Game Analysis: Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3!

Amongst the video game reviews found online for many video games on the market, Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 was a welcomed and enjoyed revised and improved version of Marvel vs Capcom to many faithful gamers.

This new, sequel game has addressed any gameplay issues existing in the original version of the video game. A refining of the online experience has been enhanced and has received good feedback as well. Features and characters have been improved over the original version of the game, as well as new characters adding interest in the newer game.

Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3- New Characters!

There are six new profiled characters on each side:


Nova (able to acquire and release energy and fly)
Rocket Raccoon (same features as earth’s animal, with heightened speed, laser gun, ability to use weaponry)
Iron Fist (Powers of K’un-L’un, spiritual chi, ability do battle and heal)
Dr. Strange (Powerful sorcerer with magical weapons)
Ghost Rider (Penance Stare, inflicting pain on pain inflicters in equanamity, Enchanted Chain, and Hell Bike)
Hawkeye (Precision Bow Fireer)


Frank West (Expert Wrestler, ability to use any object handy for battle)
Vergil (Devil Arm Yamato, can access demonic powers)
Phoenix Wright (Skilled legal defense and observation expert)
Nemesis (Rocket Launching Super Strength warrior)
Firebrand (Spits fireballs from mouth and Hell Climbs0
Strider (Wields plasma-generating Cypher sword that cuts through anything; robotic animal helpers)

The graphics are high tech and the movements are believable. Clear and succinct visuals make the characters become an almost real life hero, wherever they are played. Each character has a special gift, personality, and a new weapon or way to use weapons that is exciting, interesting, and fascinating to imagine thinking up and putting into this game.

Consumers’ expectations are high as technology has offered such fantasy games and realistic interactive play that cannot be later lessened in intensity if the game is to be successful. In today’s economy, the consumer demands much more for the money than ever before. That is why we feel that they have progressed ahead of the competition and offer Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 to all who enjoy video games! Any video game reviews must be honestly rated with this one as superior and truly improved.

Our Take On Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3!

This game has hours of enjoyment offered, for both amateur and seasoned gamers; for young teens and older adults. The color intensity will awe anyone and the graphics as stated are phenomenal. Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 is a quality video game that will evolve into only better versions as time moves on. It is well thought-out, technically superb, and interesting enough to be played over and over again!