Tag Archives: video poker

Best Casino Gambling Pay-Outs

Nobody comes to a casino simply because they want to have fun. Underneath this vague reason is the desire to bring home cash, and lots of it. Indeed, casino gambling is a way to get your hands on lots of cash in a short time. However, it can also be the way to lose cash in an even shorter time. The thing with casino gambling is that the games have different pay-out rates. For example, spending half an hour in the slots will not help you reach the hundred dollar mark unless you win the jackpot. But if you go and spend time at the roulette table, you can reach the 200-dollar mark without waiting for 30 minutes. Likewise, you could lose all your casino gambling money at the roulette table in a shorter time than it will take you to lose $10 at the slots.

The trick to maximize casino gambling profits is to choose the right games to play. High pay-out games usually give you more money for limited funds. However, skill is highly needed in playing these games. Being a novice and attempting this game with the more experienced players only make you lose your funds. The rules may vary in different casinos, but still the most favored high-paying games are blackjack and video poker.

Depending on your casino’s blackjack rules, blackjack is a game wherein a player can expect high returns providing he plays wisely. There are many variations in blackjack rules like the number of card decks, splitting and doubling bets, and other rule variations. Years back, most casino gambling websites offer great odds. If played strategically, the player even gets valuable advantage. However, rules change and now, the odds are in the casino’s side regardless of the player’s strategy. So to ensure good pay-outs in playing blackjacks, it is to your favor to seriously consider being an advance blackjack player.

Of course, not everyone is born with jacks and aces in their hands. But learning good blackjack strategy is easy. There are many free and downloadable blackjack software tools that you can download and practice on. Also, blackjack books are available at most bookstores. These books are usually authored by top blackjack players who have gained fame and fortune in playing the game. Don’t frown because nothing is easy these days. Being a winner requires effort, so that at least you can enjoy yourself doing it. With regular blackjack practice, you could soon be the next casino gambling blackjack king.

Video poker is another casino gambling game that has a reputation for high pay-outs. However, like blackjacks, video poker rules and pay-out schemes vary among casinos. Examining the casino’s pay tables is important before starting video poker, or any game for that matter. Usually, there are different video poker machines at a given casino. Be sure to choose the one with best pay tables, otherwise, you’re just giving the casino your money without a fight. Good pay tables are assurance that the game you’re playing actually favors you.

Good video poker machines usually allow over a hundred percent return the longer you play the game. Also, despite being similar to slot machines, video poker is not a game of chance. This means that you have an actual advantage depending on your skills. Consequently, you cannot play the game and expect a high pay-out without understanding the basic rules and arming yourself with useful techniques. Casino gambling is fun, but it does entail some work.

Most casino gambling websites and traditional casinos offer both games. Betting experience and game skills improve your chances of winning the games and getting high pay-outs. Though playing requires effort in learning the games and mastering the skills, it does have its rewards. Besides, casino gambling is more fun if you go home laden with cash than big debts.

The Art of Winning at Video Poker

Lined up like soldiers to battle, anthropomorphic in a seemingly cocky and taunting way, video poker slots beckon to patrons who play casino games on all platforms. But even though they seem to taunt, video poker slots are absent of all and any human involvement, and masters of video poker thrive on the unpredictability that comes with betting against a machine.

There’s no way to read a bluff, no way to play with feel and intuition; video poker success means relying on a strategy, making vital decisions and being as cold and calculating as the machine itself.

The first and most vital rule to winning at video poker is to learn and master the basics of the game. Poker, in its basic form is a game of strategy and reading your opponent, but with video poker, the human element is removed and with it, increased mathematical exactness. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing though, as the absence of the human factor means the definite chance of beating the game, if it’s played with a sound strategy and competency and with the added luck of a possible perfect hand.

The main point to remember when endeavouring to Play Casino video poker is to check the pay tables assigned to each game. Comparing pay tables allows the player to make the right decision when choosing cards and especially when the decision involves keeping or losing certain combinations.

Video poker is all about retaining favourable cards to better your hand, while discarding the cards that hinder progression. A good way to strengthen strategy is to memorise the card charts available online. The video poker machine randomly selects hands that are to be dealt but the comparing of cards to the listed combinations will give the player advantage when deciding whether to stand or fold on certain combinations.

Whether indulging in a 5-card Draw, Deuce’s Wild or a Double Bonus, the point is that for the first few rounds, money will be lost. The trick is to develop a strategy and stick to that strategy in the hope that, eventually, a winning hand will be dealt, and with a jackpot to cover previous losses. Also, holding out for the winning hand will help with the memorisation of the card charts for future reference when playing the game again.

A good idea would also be to join a players’ club. Being part of video poker players’ clubs allows for increased tutorials and opportunities to practice before playing, and allows for players to get accustomed to video poker dynamics and the intricacies of the game, before spending money.

The ultimate key to video poker success is to decide on losses. The best players set levels of loss and stop once those levels are met. Video poker is ruthless in its machinations but that cunning is merely robotic and can be beat. The real victory comes in using human intuition and in knowing when to walk away to play another day; for above all, the human mind, heart and spirit, will eventually prevail, and the jackpot will be claimed by those who have earned it.