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Lotto Ticket

Lotto Ticket

Lottery tickets have a long and interesting history dating back to the Han Dynasty in China. Private lotteries were popular during the Roman Empire but lotteries as we know them today did not start until the mid 14th century in the Netherlands. In fact the Dutch Staatsloterij is the world’s oldest continually running lottery, dating all the way back to the 15th century. Since then lotteries have pretty much followed the same model; players purchase a lotto ticket in hopes of winning a large amount of money. Generally the lottery jackpot is the sum of all the money collected from lotto ticket sales minus operating expenses. If there is no winner the jackpot is usually rolled over until there is a winner which can create some pretty large jackpots.

At the present time there are 44 state lotteries operating in the US. States without lotteries include Alabama, Alaska, Hawaii, Mississippi, Nevada, Utah, and Wyoming. Most state lotto tickets are sold through a network of lottery retailers, typically convenience stores and gas stations. Players can usually buy a lotto ticket 24 hours a day except on draw nights. When purchasing a lotto ticket the player either selects his numbers or uses what is usually known as a ‘quick pick’ option where the numbers are selected by a random number generator. It is interesting to note that statistically most big winners used the quick pick option to select their numbers.

In Europe, Australia and New Zealand players may go online to purchase a lotto ticket. New Zealand has a sophisticated online lottery system and players can go to the Kiwi lottery website, establish an account and buy lotto tickets. In the event of a win the jackpot can be deposited directly into the players checking or savings account and all winners are notified by email. New Zealand is probably the only lottery website offering direct deposits. Large wins must still be collected in person. European lottery players can go to any official lottery website to purchase a lotto ticket.

In the US players cannot buy a lotto ticket online at state lottery websites. US players can purchase lottery tickets online through third party subscription services. These services purchase lotto tickets on behalf of players and hold the tickets until the actual lottery draw. If a player wins the lottery service will make arrangements for the ticket to be delivered to the player so the jackpot can be claimed in person as most state lotteries require. Players have a lot of options when purchasing a lotto ticket and rapidly advancing technology keeps making it easier and easier!

Six Ways To Escape An Online Casino With More Than Just Your Shirt

You have probably heard the expression, “losing your shirt.” Unfortunately, that expression is right at home when it comes to gambling. Whether you are in an online casino or the brick-and-mortar of the everyday, the chances of you “losing your shirt” are better than the alternative. How come? Frankly, most people are too quick to throw caution to the wind. They make big risks without being fully aware of a system for winning. They mistakenly assume that winning is all luck and no skill, and that they can be just as lucky as a seasoned pro.

Not true.

If you want to escape an online casino with more than just your shirt – like, say, a pocketful of cash – here are the six ways to make it happen:

Walk before you run. If you are a beginner, it is never wise to start out making big bets and hoping luck falls your way. In fact, it’s not really that smart to make bets at all – at least, not until you’ve had a chance to try out your online casino and make the most of it. Luckily, most online casinos offer their games for free. This allows you to build a level of comfort and skill that makes it possible for you to excel.

Stake your money on reputation. Don’t bite in to big promises until you’ve had the chance to wisely research and analyze an online casino. You don’t want to put yourself at financial and mental risks before you have confirmed that an online casino will do what it claims – pay what they owe!

Find your niche. The expression “jack of all trades, master of none” seems fitting here. Not even the best gamers are pros at every single game online casinos offer. They specialize and hone their talents in one or two specific areas. Reasons are twofold: one, it’s easy to be passionate when you’re good at something; and two, it’s easy to get good at something the more time that you spend with it.

Hang in there. If you are making wise bets, you should not get discouraged if you find yourself losing a lot. Just be conservative until the time comes that you can feel the tides start to turn. Help those tides turn faster by choosing games such as poker and craps that favor you the longer your play continues.

Live to play another day. Sometimes it just isn’t your night. Keep a budget, and if you feel yourself slipping in to a rut where the losses are too frequent and the successes aren’t big enough, it’s time to walk away. There will be other nights!

Keep it about the fun! As long as you are having fun, you are building passion and experience doing something that you love. Keep it about the fun, and playing online casinos will always be a winning proposition.

An online casino isn’t for everyone. But if you fashion yourself a shrewd, observant, risk-taker, online casinos can be the answer for you!