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Bingo Worldwide

There is no doubt that the UK is the unofficial capital of bingo. The rise of the UK online bingo game can only be described as amazing. Bingo has become the leading form of online gambling in the UK played by all age ranges and vastly helped by the demise of live bingo and heavy advertising on all UK media. I will say though that bingo is not restricted to the UK only. America has an extremely strong live bingo presence although the online bingo scene has been stifled by the online gambling laws which class many of the existing online bingo sites as unlawful. Throughout the states though you will find thousands of bingo halls and if the online gambling laws are changed in the future there is sure to be a boom online.

Spain also has seen a massive surge in online bingo. Spain is only second to the UK for the growth of the online game. During 2008 there has been a major increase of Spanish online bingo sites fighting for the large volume of Spanish players. This has not gone unnoticed by the established UK online bingo giants and already Mecca have launched their own white label bingo site Bingo International which is strictly targeted at the Spanish market.

Italy has also seen rapid growth in the online bingo scene and is ranked third behind the UK and Spain. In many ways Italy is way behind but analyst predict strong growth in Italy during the next couple of year. Perhaps one of the surprising countries where bingo is popular is Japan. Japan has always had a thriving live bingo scene with thousands of bingo parlours throughout the country. As with the UK the game has transferred rapidly online creating a booming industry. The live game in Japan mirrors the live bingo scene in the UK where it is a very social event.

Australia and New Zealand also have a strong live bingo community and once again there seems to be growth in the online bingo scene. Australia has many bingo halls through the country as does New Zealand.

Many wonder why the UK has taken the lead in the online bingo world. My theory is this is simply due to a few factors. The main factor is that online gambling in the UK is fully legalised and regulated unlike online bingo in many other countries. Secondly the live bingo scene in the UK was badly hit by the smoking ban. In the UK you are no longer allowed to smoke in enclosed public areas and since the introduction of the smoking ban many players simply stopped playing live. Thirdly the credit crunch in the UK as hit everybody hard. The simple fact is that it is much cheaper to play bingo online than live and as you are playing against more players online the prize pools are vastly increased online. The final factor is the heavy promotion of online bingo by the UK media. Prime time TV is flooded with bingo commercial which are endorsed by well known celebs such as Katie Price and many others.

Free Bingo UK

Free bingo UK style can be found on many online sites as well as in many halls. There are many online directories for free bingo games available in UK, but it is important to know the laws and which sites are on the white list by law and can legally advertise their business in the UK. The white list can be found on the gaming commission’s website for perusal at your leisure. Reading through the terms and conditions of a website prior to joining a game will alert you to any law conflicts or wagering requirements ahead of time so no unlawful acts take place on your part. Since a bingo site is only required to conform to the laws of the country they are based in, this does not mean they have to abide by UK laws but as a citizen you still must abide by local laws. Therefore it is imperative that terms and conditions be read thoroughly.

Most free bingo UK games online offer prizes instead of just a way to pass the time. The prizes range from monthly drawings for those who participate to preloaded cards with credit on them or even prize hours being offered with keepsakes to choose from. This goes along with the actual prizes for each won bingo game that range from a few cents worth of prizes, up to more lucrative pocket change prizes such as televisions and other expensive items. There are many popular sites that offer smaller and larger prizes, while some offer no prizes and allow a player to participate for the fun of the game. Depending on the site you choose it is best to read through the frequently asked questions section to find out about how prizes are awarded. Some sites are sponsored sites that offer prizes from UK based entrepreneurs and therefore the prize could be a gift certificate to their shop. Others simply give vouchers for cash at many different locations, so it is wise to read about how prizes are awarded prior to playing.

Free bingo UK games online are much easier to find than in a bingo hall. Hall games generally charge for the cards you will be playing, and the proceeds of each game go to a charity or for fund raising for community aid. The free bingo UK games online allow a person to pay no fees or club charges, but simply log on and play the game as long as a player wishes. Hall games only generally last for a few hours and one must pay the card fees in order to play. The choice to play in either type of game is up to the player, as playing in a hall makes one a part of a community project and allows for being neighborly. Playing free bingo UK online games allows a player to be involved from home with no outside influences and no one nearby to cause confusion during game play. Whichever you choose, be informed about the prizes at stake and your stakes for playing.