Tag Archives: thousand dollars

Avoid These Lottery Mistakes

Nearly everyone of us would like to hear interesting information and statistics. Nevertheless, many of the time such information is utterly pointless in ordinary everyday living. For instance, do you understand that the likelihood of the average golf enthusiast hitting a hole in 1 in a given round are 12 thousand to one in addition the odds of making two during the very same golf game are sixty seven million to one?

Just think about the amazement of onlookers the time that Mr. D., part-time golf player, achieved an incredible hole in 1 in the exact same golf hole two times in a row during a golfing event in TX. That is an occurrence that is so extremely remarkable that the chances of it ever happening haven’t ever been calculated. It’s a shame such a lucky bloke did not participate in the lottery that day also!

A little time ago a famous New York newspaper published a story about a working guy who used the majority of his well earned wages on lotto games.In the hope, and fictitious idea, that he definitely will land a significant prize only by buying more random tickets Mr. Otero expended a gigantic 30 thousand dollars a year on lotto plays!

Having said that, Ray does not know just getting more tickets doesn’t expand your likelihood of landing a prize whatsoever! All erratically purchased tickets will have precisely a similar chance of winning as each other irrespective of the volume you purchase!

Have you any idea that when you purchase a 6 from 49 lottery ticket, like those sold on united kingdom National Lottery, on a Monday that you have a mathematically better probability of being dead on Saturday than winning the lotto jackpot?

The reason being you have a measly fourteen million to one chance for winning the united kingdom jackpot. These low odds apply to every ticket you buy. So just because you have 100 tickets it doesn’t mean you have a better chance of winning!

Having said that, by using stats to your great advantage, and work with probability and odds while using lottery something quite interesting transpires with the stats. Let’s take a wheeling system for example.

Any time you apply a wheeling system the likelihood of grabbing a top prize are improved by millions to one. Adding just one number to your pick in a 6 from 49 lotto you increase your chances of winning by millions, positively! You have to buy more tickets than normal therefore your lotto investment money will rise of course.. Nonetheless, an fascinating thing arises – your chances of winning a top prize increase a good deal.

When you use wheeling in a 6 from 49 draw, like the UK lottery, and use 7 numbers instead of 6 the odds of winning are slashed from 14 million to 1 down to 500 thousand to 1 – by having just 1 added number and a twenty eight quid stake.!

Even though wheeling will never be the best of lotto formula (there exits a great deal more precise ones that guarantee success) if Mr. Otero had utilised such a approach together with the 30 thousand dollars he used to play the lottery each and every year on lotto stake money and played with a 6 from 49 lotto draw he may have been holding celebrations for a lotto win a long time ago!

Overcoming Pathological Gambling

Gambling is big business in America earning billions of dollars in net revenue annually. Americans spend more money each year on legal gambling than they do on video games, movie tickets, recorded music and spectator sports combined (Christiansen, 2000). Gambling is very attractive, especially to people who need money. According to ‘Cash ‘n’ Curry Video Tragaperras’ research center, people who make less than ten thousand dollars a year gamble six times more often than those who earn over fifty thousand dollars a year. A recent program on the Discovery Channel stated that gambling is so attractive, that when the powerball is high, ninety percent of eligible adults buy a ticket. There is no other commodity where the percentages are this high. The odds of winning a state lottery can be compared to being hit by lightening seven times while waiting in the lottery line.

Seventy years ago it was illegal to gamble anywhere in the United States. Our parents grew up thinking that gambling was morally wrong, but our children are growing up thinking that gambling is as easy as going to McDonald’s. Today, all but three states permit gaming, and it’s getting bigger all the time. For the first time in history, gambling is available close to home. People can walk to and from work and gamble. State governments actually encourage their citizens to gamble because it seems like an easy way to collect tax free money.

Most people who gamble enjoy gambling as a game; it’s exciting and fun. But some citizens are caught up in an addiction as powerful as drug addiction.

The biggest step in treatment is realizing you have a problem with gambling. It takes tremendous strength and courage to own up to this, especially if you have lost a lot of money and strained or broken relationships along the way. Don’t despair, and don’t try to do it alone. Many others have been in your shoes and have been able to break the habit. Overcoming a gambling addiction or problem is never easy. But recovery is possible if you stick with treatment and seek support.

National Council on Problem Gambling 10 Questions About Gambling Behavior 1. Have you often gambled longer than you had planned? 2. Have you often gambled until your last dollar was gone? 3. Have thoughts of gambling have caused you to lose sleep? 4. Have you used your income or savings to gamble while letting bills go unpaid? 5. Have you made repeated, unsuccessful attempts to stop gambling? 6. Have you broken the law or considered breaking the law to finance your gambling? 7. Have you borrowed money to finance your gambling? 8. Have you felt depressed or suicidal because of your gambling losses? 9. Have you been remorseful after gambling? 10. Have you gambled to get money to meet your financial obligations?

If you or someone you know answers “Yes” to any of these questions, consider seeking assistance from a professional regarding this gambling behavior.