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The Importance of Record Keeping in Poker

Poker players are good liars, which is helpful when you’re trying to bluff someone out of their shorts, but not as helpful when you’re trying to honestly asses how profitable you are as a player.

Let’s face it – no one likes to lose, and if you have the ability to fudge a session here or a bad night there so that, in your mental ledger, you come out a winning player, then there’s a good chance you will.

While this will make you feel better, what it won’t do is help you to become a better player. The fact of the matter is that good players have to be brutally honest with themselves when it comes to the results of their play. They need to track every win and every loss, because without that knowledge, they have no foundation for analyzing their game.

Think about it – let’s say you play poker online a bit, and you also play some live. You mostly play No limit hold’em, but you’ll play Omaha or limit online from time to time, and throw in some tournaments as well. That’s a lot of different games, and it’s very unlikely that you are equally good at each. What is very likely is that one or more of those games is costing you money (or, if you’re superb, one or more of the games is costing you money not because you’re losing money, but because you could be making more money playing another game).

You’ll never know, however, unless you keep good records. Without those records you have no clue what game is your most profitable. You might have a guess, but that guess is probably based on very biased data; as humans, we tend to remember the positive and downplay the negative. That strategy makes it easier to get through the day, but it really undermines our ability to accurately gauge results.

The counter-strategy to this inherent human tendency is simply to keep good records. You’ll find yourself surprised at how the data shakes out, as the written record tends to differ pretty wildly from the remembered one. In fact, it’s not even accurate to call it remembered, as it’s more imagined than anything.

Once you start keeping detailed records, you’ll find yourself in a much better position in terms of being able to analyze your playing trends, and in terms of being to better select the games and formats that are likely to generate the most profit for you as a poker player.

Yes, record-keeping can be a bit of a bore, but losing money unnecessarily certainly isn’t any more exciting. The devil is in the details, as the saying goes, and if you aren’t working hard on those details, one thing is for sure – you’re going to have a devil of a time getting your game to the point of profitability where it deserves to be.

Weighing Out the Facts of Online Gambling

Gambling Online has been has become an alternative on the actual gambling made in casinos and bars. This form of gambling has become successful in some of the major countries especially those that cater this new form. From the traditional form including those going to casinos and gambling places, this new form makes it available for everybody to join and play gambling for 24 hours.

Thanks to the internet and web developers, Gambling online became the latest trend that the world has started craving for especially by those looking for a quick relaxation method. Though some countries ban this kind of method, most don’t consider this illegal, in some ways, these countries embraces, fosters, and promote this kind of alternative entertainment.

There are some rules on the other hand before you can join and gamble. One of which is that you have to be 18 or above before you can play. But being able to verify if a person is 18 or above is the difficult task since anybody can just agree to the terms and conditions and register on gambling sites. It is in some way dangerous since people can alter their age online and say that they are above the required age.

There are no restrictions for Gambling Online, anybody could play and get hyped by the sudden happening in their game. Keeping the minors away from this kind of gambling is possible but requires parents and the guardians to check regularly on their children. If minors are not allowed to enter casinos, they cannot enter in gambling websites or play games that are not allowed for minors. For this reasons, it is a must that parents be aware in the in the online activities of their children. If your child sees that you are gambling in one of these sites, it would be best in letting them understand that gambling is not something that a child could play. For this, parents should always monitor the use of computers of their children.

There are a lot of people that are putting their relationship with family members at risk once they get addicted, and breaking away from the influence of addiction is the hardest part. For this, always ensure that you are there just to have fund and learn when to stop. Some people are Gambling Online not because they are in it for fun but because this is the source of their income. With the current problem of the economy, people are taking chances to become rich overnight. In some ways, online gambling is a great help to some of these people because they manage to make it big in the gambling world.

Gambling online is an avenue for entertainment to many people. A gambler can feel different kinds of emotions while playing but don’t push it too far. Spending too much money on gambling can ruin your future so gamble what you can afford to lose. Always remember this and you will not have a problem with online gambling.