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Gift Ideas for the World of Warcraft Dad (Page 1 of 2)

Forget boring old mugs and t-shirts with “no.1 dad!” hastily scribbled across, todays dad is tech savvy and media hungry, and more than anything, he’s a gamer.

You want to show him you love him and you want to avoid that look of masked utter disappointment that flashes across his face when he unwraps yet another bundle of socks or car magazines, so listen up, and listen good to our great gift ideas for WoW-mad dads!


Unless you really, really know his tastes in clothing, you might want to steer clear of World of Warcraft shirts and jackets.

The quality of WoW-related merchandise varies wildly, some looks great, and is beautifully understated in its design, while others proclaim proudly from the rooftops, “Yes, I play World of Warcraft, and I love it”. You’ll need to know what kind of fan your dad or husband is before getting some WoW-clothing, as he might not appreciate the boys knowing about his super-secret hobby when he sets of to have a beer at poker night.

That said, accessories like rings, trinkets and other types of er, man-jewelry are probably really safe, especially since such items are usually understated enough anyway that you can’t really go wrong. Nothing says “For the Horde!” like a pair of classy ogre-ish earrings (I kid).

A Dwarvish pendant here, some Alliance runes there, you’d be surprised just how naturally a lot of the patterns and motifs found in the artwork of WoW’s various factions fit into a nice piece of jewelry like a manly silver ring or pendant.

If you’re having trouble finding exactly what you’d like, consider screen capping a motif from the game and having a jeweler or metalsmith inscribe it for you, you’ll have a beautiful, unique gift with instant geek street cred. It’s worth noting that the same applies to clothing, if you’re looking for something unique and obscure, find a pattern or motif, and have it silk-screened onto a tee.

Books, comics and magazines:

Is your dad a bookworm? You might want to consider a World of Warcraft novel then. From newer titles like Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, and World of Warcraft: Stormrage, all the way back to classics like Cycle of Hatred, it’s apparent that World of Warcraft and its various expansions have a surprisingly rich literary history. Sure, it’s not Tolkien, but the books are sufficiently well written, entertaining, and are steeped in the mythology and history of Azeroth in a way that’s only hinted at in the game itself.

If dad’s more of a visual kinda guy that grew up on the pages of Marvel and DC, there’s a pretty cool ongoing series of books titled World of Warcraft: Alliance that’s worth picking up, as well as a number of trade paperback style graphic novels that are well written and well drawn.


What games can you really get someone who’s obsessed with World of Warcraft? Warcraft III, that’s what!

If your dad hasn’t had the pleasure of playing this delightfully polished precursor to Blizzard’s magnum opus, then he’s in for a wonderful surprise.

Poker Strategies: Bad Beats (Page 1 of 2)

Bad beats suck. Sorry, there’s no way to pretty it up. If you have been playing online poker for any amount of time, you know exactly what I mean. Whenever there is a confrontation between luck vs skill, no contest. Luck ALWAYS trumps skill. Fortunately, there are ways to lessen the influence of bad beats.

It is a fact that even 72 offsuit will beat pocket Aces a certain percentage of the time. You can be in about as dominating a position as there is, let’s say set over set going to the river. Your opponent has only one out. He’s roughly 2 to win and end up losing to someone who called your 4x preflop raise with 73 ’cause they were suited. AAARRRGGHHH!!!

And that’s exactly why I say to avoid these tournaments unless all you want to do is goof for a half hour or so. In addition to the low level of skill normally found, I’ve also found an unfortunate trend of so-called players getting into these events and intentionally playing badly for no other reason than to try to ruin the game for the beginners who are honestly trying to improve. These guys live to put on the ugliest of beats and have no intention of trying to learn to play properly or improve their game. They don’t respect the game or the other players. I don’t need the aggravation. My blood pressure is high enough, thank you.

So. While you can’t eliminate the bad beats and the resulting aggravation from your poker life, there are some things you can do to reduce their impact.

The first thing is to accept them as part of the cost of doing business as a poker player. There’s no defense against a lucky donkey. Second, if you’re playing one of these Freerolls or low-limit buy tournaments, you will need to adopt an extremely conservative style for the first stage and into the second.

The poor players will usually, but not always, have weeded themselves out after the first hour or so. After that, you can start playing poker instead of bingo.

Higher limits

It’s axiomatic that the higher you go in limit and/or buy-in, the fewer instances of wild play will be found, thereby reducing the number and frequency of bad beats. That’s not to say your AA won’t get cracked, that’s always a possibility, but it’s not going to happen as often. (If you have AA and the other guy has KK or QQ and they catch, that’s not really considered a bad beat). People have a lot more respect for a game that’s costing them $50 or $100 or more to play than they do the micro games.

Once you’ve developed your skills a bit, do yourself a favor and step up to real money as soon as you can. Moving up in limit is the best way to get out of the bingo parlor.

Online or Live?

If you have the opportunity, play live in a casino as much as possible. Even the lower limits. They have $1/$2 tables in most poker rooms as well as relatively low cost sit-n-go’s. I much prefer playing live to online because it’s easier to hone your reading skills, the games aren’t as fast so you get more felt time for your dollar, and just the fact that you’re at a live game as opposed to online will in itself cut down on the ridiculous play. One of the reasons the play is as bad as it is online is because it’s so anonymous.