Tag Archives: texas holdem poker

Texas Holdem Poker Beginning Strategy for Online Poker Sites

Best Starting Hands in Texas Holdem Poker

The Texas Holdem Poker Beginner Strategy that I recommend is playing only the best starting Texas Holdem Poker hands.

The hands that you should be playing as a beginning Texas Holdem Poker player are: A-A, K-K, Q-Q, J-J, 10-10, 9-9, 8-8, A-Ks (the s means that both cards are the same suit – both clubs), A-Qs, K-Qs.

Limit yourself to only these hands. If you are dealt any cards outside of these hands then fold when playing at online poker sites.

The goal is to have you win money. The best way to do that is to win as much as possible on the hands that you have a chance to win and to minimize your losses on hands where you have little or no chance to win. In other words, fold the bad hands.

If you have one of the best hands, I recommend that you raise your opponents. A raise does a couple of things for you.

1. Tells you who else may have a strong hand (If they re-raise)

2. Forces a player with a bad hand to fold

3. Gets more money into the pot

Beginner Strategy on the Flop

When the flop hits you must assess:

1. Whether you have improved your hand or not.

2. Whether you have a hand that can win the game.

If you have improved your hand on the flop or still feel you have a good chance of winning, I recommend that you raise.

If you have not improved or don’t feel that your hand is good enough to win then I recommend folding when playing at online poker sites.

Beginner Strategy on the Turn and River

Playing on the Turn and River is similar. Every time a card is dealt you should ask yourself:

1. Did you make your hand?

2. Do you have a good chance of making your hand?

3. Most importantly, is your hand good enough to win?

If it is I would raise. If it is not then I recommend folding.

Summary of Texas Holdem Poker Beginner Strategy for online poker sites:

Texas Holdem Poker beginner strategy can be summed up in this manner:

1. If you do not have one of the best starting hands – FOLD

2. If you do have one of the best starting hands – bet or raise

3. After the flop if you have not improved your hand – FOLD

4. After the flop if you have improved your hand – raise

5. If after the Turn and River you have not improved your hand – FOLD

6. If after the Turn and River you have improved your hand – raise

Be a raiser, or a folder, do not be a calling station slowly giving your money away.

This Texas Holdem Poker beginner strategy is easy to learn and use. Practice it and you will improve you game dramatically.

Are you ready to start playing at some online poker sites? Head over to www.sportsbook.com/poker and get into the beginning poker action today!


Whatever your motivation, you want to learn how to play poker, a time-tested card game that has the distinction of being one of the most ancient forms of gambling. Playing poker is an entertaining pastime that millions of people throughout the world enjoy.
At its very essence, it is a simple game. It is played with a standard deck of 52 playing cards (except for Ross Perot Poker, which is played with less than a full deck). Poker games are almost always played using a tradition called “table stakes”, which means that only the chips that are on the table can be used to bet during a hand.
It is all about bluffing so the more you can do to improve your image as pro the better your results will be. It is the most famous card game with an unknown origin.
Poker is a card game where you pit your skill and luck against players who have the same passion and skill as you. One of the more favorite poker games is that of Texas HoldEm. While there are many places where you can play this game, sometimes you may like play this game online or as a home computer game. These alternatives will provide you with different ways of playing free Texas Holdem poker. The internet has a selection of these free Texas Holdem poker games that may be of interest. The free download version of this game will have a full instruction set that you can read and follow to get the most out of this game.
You will find that your computer has to be configured to the settings that are most compatible for these computer games.
The different levels will prove to be both interesting and challenging for the novice player. These will provide the more experienced player a platform in which they can hone their playing skill especially against an unknown player.
As you advance in the Texas Holdem poker game you will see that the stakes of the game have risen. This is so that you have the atmospheres of playing in a poker establishment. You can if you feel that you need more help find free Texas Holdem poker lessons on the internet. These lessons will describe the various aspects of the game. You will be instructed and shown the different types of cards which can be used to good effect.
Texas Hold’em has fast become the most popular poker game in the world. In this poker game, you want to make the best five- card hand, with seven cards available to use. Texas Holdem is the most popular style because of the new televised tournaments surrounding this style of poker