Tag Archives: tax

Balancing the budget in New Hampshire

One of the more exciting features of the latest recession has been the collapse of tax revenue flowing into the coffers of the individual US states. Sales are down so there’s less tax take there. Property values have crashed through the floor so, where tax is a percentage of valuation, the tax take has fallen — with so many properties foreclosed and families unemployed, payment of the tax has been difficult to enforce. People have been earning less and businesses have made less profit so, again, less income tax. Put everything together and many states are effectively bankrupt, their bonds reduced to junk status by the credit rating agencies. Yet there is no political will to really grasp the nettle of tax increases. If the electorate want the same level of services from the state, they have to pay for them. If they genuinely will not pay, they must be prepared to accept real cuts in the quality of the services. Perhaps this recession will finally break through the stubborn refusal to pay a larger percentage of income as tax. While we wait for this revolution, individual states are playing around the margins to save a few dollars here, and raise a few dollars there. Their theory is that federal government will not allow them to fail. Like AIG, many of the states are “too big”. So bail-out money will save them from having to make the hard decisions.

This has not prevented some states from getting creative. In New Hampshire, Governor John Lynch has a new policy. To help bridge the gap between solvency and insolvency, he’s proposing to legalize online gambling. The detail of the plan is to be announced soon, but it’s already controversial. Ignoring the problems created by the federal law clamp-down on the transfer of funds for gambling purposes, the Governor has been caught in a classic flip-flop. Not so long ago, the lawmakers who represent the real-world casino interests proposed a bill to licence some 17,000 slots and table games. The recession was not yet in its full glory and the hole in the budget was not today’s gaping chasm. The Governor decided to veto the bill.

He gave two reasons. The first a simple calculation that there were already a significant number of machines in the state and licensing more was unlikely to produce a real increase in revenue. It would only share out the same money among more machines. But it’s the second reason that has landed him in trouble. He said the bill would lead to an increase in gambling. Whether he was concerned at the rising level of addiction, the risk of more young people being tempted into gambling or he had some moral objections is not clear. The bill died. The new proposal to legalize online gambling is likely to make gambling more accessible. If people have to travel to specific locations, their behavior can be more closely monitored and controlled. The age of players can be verified. Operators can stop someone when they have obviously lost too much. Allowing gambling from PCs, lap and palm top machines, and Blackberrys is opening the flood gates. Playing online slots, people can burn through a lot of money very quickly without anyone to stop them. The Governor can’t have it both ways. If proliferating gambling is a bad thing, legalizing online gambling is a bad thing. While he decides how to answer, we can all have fun playing slots wherever we find them.

Why Legalisation Of Online Casinos Is Such A Problem

Online gambling is a multi-billion dollar industry. If you look at statistics page on some of the most popular casino websites, you’ll see astonishing figures. The overall amount of money paid out to players within just one month is almost 32 million GBP. This means just one site pays out over 1 million per day, over 50,000 per hour. If you consider the fact that people lose much more often than they win, the amount of money that online casino operators should get is unbelievable.

Now can you imagine the government officials watching this turnover and not wanting to dip their fingers into the pot? Certainly not! If something can be taxed, it should be taxed. The funniest thing is that online casinos appeared before the online gambling law was invented. Thus, the industry was regulated by some of the older rules that were more or less applicable to a new type of entertainment, while some of the aspects remained literally uncontrolled.

It is nearly impossible to supervise online casinos for one simple reason: it’s hard to control anything on the web. Yet, the government wants to benefit from the successful business – tax the casinos and tax the winnings. But politics is a tricky thing; the head of the state can’t just appear on one the morning TV shows and say “Dear fellow countrymen, from now on you’ll have to pay!” It’s not medieval times when things like this could have been done easily (without the TV bit, of course). However banning something that can affect the government’s plan is simple.

That’s what we see happening in the United States. It is obvious that officials are playing their own games while millions of people can’t afford to do something that is perfectly legal in other civilised countries. The government is interested in making online gambling legal, but they want to make maximum profit from this legalisation. Without any doubt, there’s huge money involved and casino operators will have to pay a lot before they will be able to officially start paying taxes.

While gamblers in most European countries can pretty much freely enjoy an online poker tournament or online roulette, some EU members try to outlaw online casinos that operate outside the borders of their state. The reason never changes – it is money. They don’t want online gambling to be run along the same guidelines as the free market that operates throughout the EU, because in this case their state-owned online casinos will have to compete against foreign casinos. Well, as long as at least local sites are accessible, Europeans will probably not get too upset by these restrictions.