Tag Archives: table

Learn to Play Craps: Craps Etiquette (Page 1 of 2)

Be smart, play smart, and learn how to play craps the right way!

Etiquette at the craps table is more about common sense and courtesy than anything. Apply these principles and you’ll have a lot more fun at the table.

The number one tip about craps etiquette is to be nice and polite. Don’t be a jerk to the dealers or criticize other players. Don’t be a know-it-all trying to explain all the wrong things the guy next to you is doing. If a player asks for help or clarification of what just happened, then by all means be nice and spread the knowledge. Say “please” and “thank you” to the dealers. A little courtesy does, indeed, go a long way to improving your fun at the table.

Learn the game. Know the bets, their odds, and their payoffs. Don’t delay the game by asking questions about why you got paid a certain amount.

Never say the word “seven” during a game. If you must say the “S” word, say it after the shooter sevens-out. Even the most sensible people are superstitious at a craps table. When they lose, they must blame someone for their bad luck. Don’t give them an opportunity to blame you. Don’t curse the dice with your bad-luck mojo by saying the word “seven” during a game. Yes, it’s silly, but you you’ll save yourself a ton of aggravation by accepting the fact that people have these ridiculous superstitions.

Don’t spill your drink or flick your cigarette ashes on the table. Turn away from the table when taking a gulp or sucking on your cigarette. Have a bit of courtesy and blow your cigarette smoke straight up. The casino’s air-handling system will draw it up and minimize how much of it we inhale. People usually stand to your side and behind you, so tilt you head and blow straight up.

Wait until the dice are in the middle of the table to buy-in or make a bet. Don’t make late bets. When the stickman pushes the dice to the dealer, don’t try to make last-minute bets.

If the shooter is at the opposite end of the table from you, don’t hang your arms and hands over the railing into the playing area. If the dice hits your hands, guess who gets blamed for causing a seven to appear.

If you’re a “Don’t” player, don’t root for a seven and don’t cheer when a seven appears. Most people play the “Do” or “Pass” and you’ll irritate them by rooting for a seven. The game just isn’t as much fun if the entire table hates you. They won’t like you because of the simple fact that you’re playing the “Don’t” so don’t make it worse by screaming, “Yes, I love the seven,” when the shooter rolls a seven-out.

Don’t waste time setting the dice before each roll. Read my other articles on the absurdity of dice control (a.k.a. dice setting). Dice control does one thing and one thing only–it delays the game. If you believe in dice control and take forever to set the dice before each roll, then you’re showing everyone at the table your ignorance. The idea of dice control is just plain silly. Don’t do it.

How One Can Be Successful In Playing Roulette

Want to be a pro at playing roulette and also win a lot of money here are some few point s and tips that can help you get into the game more and understand the how to play roulette and win the game . First and foremost the player must learn the basic rules and regulations of roulette. The player must be wise and careful in placing his bets. There are also a variety other bets and odds, it’s also important that the player understands the basic of roulette before the proceeding, the player who is about to play can practice on the online casino games for free before he involves himself into the game.

The player should know the different wheels in Roulette Online whether if it’s an American wheel or a European wheel. The gambler should set up a roulette budget and that money should be kept aside only for playing roulette, the money should not be necessary for his life for example incase if the money is needed to pay the bills and other hose hold bills. It is also advisable that the game plan is pre planned so that the player doesn’t consume a lot an amount of money, sometimes there is a high possibility that you can lose a large amount of money and, the exact logic behind the roulette is mathematics, the math at times can make you lose the roulette money or make you gain a lot of money. It’s always best to find a European table instead of and an American table.

The odds of winning are greater on a European table instead of an American table the game is more complicated in an American wheel than European wheel. It’s best not to settle in an American table unless it’s the only option. If the player wants to play seriously and win a large amount of money to night its best that he avoids drinking as this will affect his strategy and affect his consciousness and ability to think so it’s always best to avoid drinking because it will affect his judgments in regards to his game plan, one must stay stress free as the work goal sets of the player will set him off to a higher level.

The game is very risky and it can either make someone’s day or night or rather break by swiping out his entire money. The best is always to play roulette just for the fun of it there are many people who have got addicted to roulette and they have lost their jobs and family sometimes they might lose their live. Some people get fooled easily about the tables and especially on online roulette games , be sure that the table or the online roulette that your playing should be certified one and not some fiend trying to steal away the players money. The player must also know that there is a high risk involved while playing so it’s best to be careful.