Tag Archives: systems

Which Is The Best Roulette System You Can Follow

All those who play roulette or are interested to play roulette, sometime or the other take the help of roulette systems. A roulette system is a set of rules and regulations or a guide which helps the players to bet successfully and thus helps them to win and make profits.

If you search online you will be baffled by the large number of roulette systems out there. They are available in varying prices and all claims that they are totally effective. However, in reality it is not so. There are many fraudulent sellers selling roulette systems who try to scam the innocent people and take their money by making false promises. In this article we will look at some of the roulette systems that actually do work.

The Roulette Sniper 2-0 is considered to be one of the best systems available. It helps the players by telling them where to place the bets so that every time the player is successful. The Roulette Sniper 2-0 also indicates those number combinations which have not yet come and thus helping to decide where to place the bets. In those cases where the players have lost a bet, the system tells the player how much to place in the next bets so that the lost money can be recovered. One of the best features of this system is that players can download free trail to test whether it suits them or not.

The Roulette System Studio also has a good reputation. With its help the players can make numerous roulette systems. The Roulette System Studio also has a trial version and thus allows the players to test it. In this there is a database consisting of different roulette systems which have been created by expert roulette players. The players can choose from any of them and can also make their own roulette systems. Other features include the ability to modify table bets, customize bet values and make suggestions for corrections.

The Ultimate Roulette System or the URS is another well known roulette system. This system is said to have been created on the basis of the techniques written in the book ‘How to Win at Roulette’. The most important guidelines provides by the system is to bet small amounts – amounts which you can afford to lose and to bet a large sum of money only if you win the last game.

There are numerous roulette systems so look for one that is certified and try them out on free games first.

How Good Is Your Horse Racing System

If you have bet the horses for any matter of time I am sure you have your favorite horse racing system. I have been playing the nags for over 30 years and I have dozens of systems that promised me the world.

Some of these systems were complicated and some were really simple. But you want to know what is really weird? They all worked to one degree or the other. When I would start out using one of them it would fail miserably. I would get off of it and here comes the winners. Does that sound familiar?

What the problem consisted of was that I failed to give the horse racing system enough time to work.

You see picking the winners is not the problem of the horseplayer. The problem is the betting system itself was the problem. It was not the selection method that was not working. One could just bet on the number 1 horse from now on and would get a fair share of winners at a variety of payoffs.

No the problem is betting more money on the winners and less on the losers. It is as simple as that. It is a money management problem. All of the systems work. The experts have done their best at producing horse racing systems that worked. However they have failed continuously at providing the player with a money management system.

I mean after all what good is a system that produces $28 payoffs when I am flat broke and can’t place but a $2 wager on the horse?

I once had a horse pegged that the trainer had been holding him back and I was certain he was going to turn him loose in an upcoming race. I was determined to be ready for that race. The day of the race came up and he was entered in the final race on the card. I got there at the beginning of the day and since there was no advanced racing at that time, I waded through 9 races to get to the big one. I had entered the track with $100 and was sure I could get to the race with plenty of money to make a killing.

You know what happened. By the time the race came up I was trying desperately to borrow money to bet. I manage to run out to my car and scrape together $2 to bet on this sure thing. The horse sailed by the pack to win going away and paid $55.40 to win.

Bottom line for the day. I was down $45 and had a $55 dollar winner. Bad money management.

So how good is your horse racing system? I would bet it is pretty good. How good is your money management system? That may be an entirely different story.