Tag Archives: system strategy

Roulette Tactics For Winning

There are a number of tactics for playing Roulette that people use to turn the odds of winning in their favor. I think they take a lot of fun out of the game, however, they can increase your bottom line!

The most common strategy used to beat roulette is known as the Martingale system. This strategy is based on the theory that loosing streaks don’t last forever, consequently if you continue to bet on the same one of two bets like: black or red / odds or evens, it won’t be long until you win. Now, the way that you actually can make money on this is by doubling your bet each time you don’t win. Sound confusing? It shouldn’t be! If I bet $10 on red and it comes up black, then I’ve lost $10, however the next spin I stake $20 on red and it came up black again, momentarily I’ve lost a total of $30. Don’t worry, as I stick with the Martingale theory, I double my bet on the same choice and so I put down $40 on red. Finally, it’s red! I win $80. Does it work out? Yes, I bet $10 + $20 + $40 = $70; I made a $10 profit. Makes sense doesn’t it?

Once you’ve learned the Martingale system, the next strategy for you to learn is the Grand Martingale system, also less commonly known as the Uber Martingale system. This strategy works in much the same way as the regular Martingale, except that with the Grand Martingale you double your bet and also you add one of your original bet. Wherefore, after the first loss of $10 you double your bet to $20, but you also add one, i. e. another $10, so your second bet is $30. If that one doesn’t come in for you, you double the $30 and add one, i. e. $10 to make your third bet $70, and so on. This increases your profit margin when you do win.

The truth is that I have seen people win big with these strategies, they are highly logical and they do work. However, I’ve also seen people loose big with them because they didn’t plan properly. A table with a low limit can cause problems when playing the Martingale systems because it increases the chance of reaching the limit before you win. So, if you’re going to play with this strategy, play at a high limit table, and always start your bets low.

This isn’t the only roulette strategy used, but it is one of the most common. And it is so popular because it does work and has helped countless people beat roulette.

Myths That Stop You From Winning The Lottery

It is not an overstatement to say that very few people have the right idea about winning the lottery. As opposed to adopting the right lottery winning strategy or system, many believe that winning a lottery is purely a matter of luck, blessing from the ancestors etc. Naturally, these are the few myths which prevent one from winning.

One of the myths is that winning a lottery is impossible, let alone winning the lottery prize for multiple times. What happened in the real world proves that this is merely a myth. There are plenty of reported cases where a lottoprize winner won more than one prize in the same year. A woman who won $1 million playing a Pennsylvania Lottery won another million on the same game in June that year. A grandfather in Australia who had already won $1 million in Lotto won the game’s First Division prize of half million.

Another myth is that lottery winners are not happy people. A recent survey showed that lotto winners were among the happiest people in the world. The reason is obvious isnt it? Will you be happy being rich or poor? Needless to say, its the former.

The 3rd myth which stops people from winning a lottery is, people do not believe that hope and wish to win will win them the lottery. The fact is, it does. Law of attraction plays a crucial part here. Wish together with persistence, determination, coupled with the right lottery system and strategy would bear fruits to your effort. Whether you believe you can win or you will lose, either way, you are right.

The 4th and biggest myth is, people believe that winning the lottery is purely a matter of luck. While we could not dismiss the role of luck, luck plays a very minor role in this aspect. The way you play, the system you use, the strategy you adopt, your playing-to-win-the-lottery attitude, is more important. You can create “luck” by adopting the right lottery system, strategy and attitude. Increase the number of tickets and the number of games you play will help increasing your luck to win the lottery as well.

The last myth that prevent one from winning a lottery is one believes that he/she will win more if he/she sticks to one “lucky” lottery store. First of all, there is no such thing as a “lucky” lottery store. A lottery store is simply a place where people buy their tickets. The store will not improve one’s chances of winning the lottery. The system, strategy and attitude in playing the games plays a more important role to your lottery winning, than the place where you buy your tickets.

Instead of blinded by the myths above, you should learn the right way of winning the lottery. To win the lottery, it is important that you get the right guidance and advice from experts who are really experienced in playing and winning lottery. How to identify such experts? Check out their sites. If they have lots of testimonial, they could probably the right and genuine lottery experts.