Tag Archives: successful

Guidelines for successful and safe online gambling (Page 1 of 2)

Betting and playing on online casinos is relatively easy and convenient, as compared to a land based casino, but just like other games even online casino games have to be played with lots of strategies and guidelines. These guidelines or instructions make sure that you don’t lose big or get bullied by online casino dealers. There is no doubt in the fact that your own skills are your best weapon, but without a proper knowledge of ‘how to’ and ‘what to’ in the world of online casinos you can end up in a mess and even if you did not it’ll be a successful road to a dead end.

Today you can get the big world of casinos and gambling into your home and office through internet. To utilize this alluring and enigmatic world of money and entertainment you need to understand few basic instructions for successful betting.

First thing first, always choose the right online casino in order to make a good fortune and learn more. Out of so many online casinos that are available, it may be tricky for you to pick one but by doing some enquiry and comparing the facilities they provide it may not be as difficult as it sounds. Search and read about the online casino you choose and its terms and conditions. Also go through the ‘about us’ page and through the various schemes and bonuses being provided. See if the casino is providing free practice and fun games. See if the casino has a 24/7 available customer support system. Talk to people or friends for their advice. Lastly, do not forget to check for any hidden conditions.

Always find out the pay mode of the casino you have chosen. Enquire if you need to have an electronic account with them or will they accept ATM prepaid and cheques. Some online casinos also charge registration fees.

Start with free games or practice as much as you can before you begin. Learn, understand and get a grip on the skills and controls as some of the online games have different rules. Also do not get tempted by the game if you are winning not losing, as some online casinos make their player ‘win and win’ to attract them and make an impression on them.

Risk management is another important skill you should adopt before entering into the world of online casino or gambling. Gambling does not always make you win you also lose and sometimes lose big. To avoid big loss and burn outs always keep a limit for yourself, keep your approach low and don’t get over confident. Also if possible keep aside the money for gambling. By playing with the limited amount of money you will learn to check on your moves and end up with successful bets. Once you know the amount to be used your next step is the ‘stop point’. Decide and plan when to stop betting and playing in order to minimize the loss, if any. Burn out or exhaustion makes you less attentive towards your strategies and you end up losing.

To win big, start small. Play with lower level in a casino game to get the control of the ambience and the mood. With lower bets you also ensure less loss and slow, but a winning path towards success. Also always start with or play online casino games, you are familiar with and, have more winning chances as you know what you are into, and thus chances of winning are higher and certain.

Learn Casino Craps – Professional Craps Player? Nonsense!

Is there such a thing as a professional craps player? That’s the wrong question. You should ask if there’s such as thing as a successful professional craps player (the key word is “successful”). Plainly and simply, the answer is no. It’s statistically impossible for a player to win over the long-term. The game is stacked against the player in favor of the casino.

Knowing the player cannot, and will not, win over the long-term, we find that the question of whether there’s such as thing as a successful professional craps player is also the wrong question. In fact, using the word “professional” invalidates the question. Dictionary.com defines “professional” as following an occupation as a means of livelihood or gain. Since it’s statistically impossible for the player to win over the long-term, the player cannot possible use the game of craps as a means of livelihood or gain. In other words, if you play long enough, you’ll lose all your money. Therefore, the term “professional” cannot apply legitimately to the game of craps.

I’ve read articles that suggest a key to being a successful craps player is to play only for short periods of time because prolonged periods of play increase your loss potential. That’s just plain nutty. The law of odds doesn’t know whether you’re playing short or long sessions. Instead, it’s like one long, drawn-out session over time. The relatively short interruptions (e.g., eating, sleeping, working, going to the bathroom) are meaningless over the long term. The law of odds knows that statistics are in the casino’s favor and that the player will eventually lose. Playing for short or long periods does nothing to affect the eventual outcome. However, playing short sessions does, indeed, extend the inevitable. Instead of going broke quickly by playing long sessions, you’ll go broke more slowly by playing short sessions.

Is it sinking in yet? Craps is gambling. Gambling means you’ll lose over the long-term. Don’t be blinded by hopes and dreams of quitting your boring, dead-end job and making millions beating the casino. When you hear or read about someone making a successful living by playing craps, walk away or close the book because they’re about feed you a load of crap (pun intended) or sell you something you certainly don’t want.

Knowledgeable craps players who understand the math accept the fact that they’re going to lose. They play simply for the fun and excitement that craps offers. Interaction with other players and the range of emotion from losing to suddenly winning (and winning to suddenly losing) are what drive the knowledgeable player. The knowledgeable player doesn’t expect to win. She hopes to win, but doesn’t expect it. If she gets lucky and wins during a particular session, then that’s great. But she knows she’ll probably lose the next session. We play solely for entertainment, not to make a living.

Learn the game and gain confidence in the fact that there’s no such thing as a winning craps system. Understand and accept the fact that there’s no such thing as a dice-control artist (i.e., supposedly, someone who can control the outcome of a dice roll by using specific sets of throwing skills). If you’re going to play craps, play for the fun of it and no other reason. Otherwise, you’ll be disappointed when you eventually lose.

Although there’s no statistical way to win over the long-term, there are, indeed, ways to get the most out of your gambling bankroll. Because you can prolong the inevitable, you can stand at the table longer, which means your fun will last longer. Remember, you should play craps for entertainment because it’s so much fun, not because you want to get rich off the casino. So, how do you prolong the inevitable? How do you maximize your fun and excitement without spending a fortune? That’s the subject of another article.