Tag Archives: strong

Common Poker Tells

In order to become a winner at the game of poker, you need to master the common poker tells. A “tell” is any kind of behavior or reaction by someone that you’re playing with that can tip you off about their hand. You may also have “tells” of your own that tip off your opponents. There are even online poker tells.

Now, you should not get the idea that knowing about common poker tells is going to make you a great poker player. It’s just one part of a total plan that includes position knowledge, the ability to calculate pot odds, understanding things like the 4/2 technique for betting, and things like that. Understanding tells involves the psychological component of your poker strategy, a component that is also very important but won’t win you games all by itself.

When you are sitting with people for a while, you can start to get to know their unique little habits that may be their unique tells. But you can use knowledge of common poker tells to even be able to pick up on online poker tells without needing to see the other person, because some of these can come through even online.

First, whenever a player acts like he has a weak hand, he probably has a strong hand. The opposite is also true: acting as if you have a strong hand probably means you have junk. This is behavior that can come through even as online poker tells, because you can pick it up from the betting patterns of the online players. One thing to keep in mind, however: experienced poker players know how to deliberately give off false tells, and they may use false tells to their great advantage and really burn you in moves like the Squeeze Play. Try to ascertain the experience level of your opponents early on.

Common poker tells that you can pick up on when playing in person with people that tell you that a player probably has a good hand include: acting disinterested in or despairing of a hand but staying in; nervous behaviors like heavy breathing or shaking hands (these probably have a very, very strong hand); and looking at chips just after looking at hole cards (they’re figuring out how much they should bet because they have good stuff).

Now, what are common poker tells indicating a probable weak hand? These would be: instead of heavy breathing, holding their breath; and glaring at other players (kind of the silent version of trash talk).

There are even a couple of common poker tells that can reveal a middle of the road hand, a drawing hand: after the flop, if players are re-checking their hole cards, they are double checking to see if they got the exact card they need for a strong hand or if they still have a good possibility of getting it on the next deal; and, if they seem like they are thinking a great deal before calling a bet, that’s because they are–they are doing careful mental calculations of risk because they have a hand that contains possibilities but is not (yet) a winner (this may be a online poker tell).

Once again, knowing common poker tells gives you a competitive edge–and it can teach you how to really fake out your opponents as you gain experience. One of the best sources for learning about poker tells is ‘Caro’s Book of Poker Tells’ by Mike Caro. Pick up your copy and become a Texas Holdem master of the tell-tale signs.

Bingo Worldwide

There is no doubt that the UK is the unofficial capital of bingo. The rise of the UK online bingo game can only be described as amazing. Bingo has become the leading form of online gambling in the UK played by all age ranges and vastly helped by the demise of live bingo and heavy advertising on all UK media. I will say though that bingo is not restricted to the UK only. America has an extremely strong live bingo presence although the online bingo scene has been stifled by the online gambling laws which class many of the existing online bingo sites as unlawful. Throughout the states though you will find thousands of bingo halls and if the online gambling laws are changed in the future there is sure to be a boom online.

Spain also has seen a massive surge in online bingo. Spain is only second to the UK for the growth of the online game. During 2008 there has been a major increase of Spanish online bingo sites fighting for the large volume of Spanish players. This has not gone unnoticed by the established UK online bingo giants and already Mecca have launched their own white label bingo site Bingo International which is strictly targeted at the Spanish market.

Italy has also seen rapid growth in the online bingo scene and is ranked third behind the UK and Spain. In many ways Italy is way behind but analyst predict strong growth in Italy during the next couple of year. Perhaps one of the surprising countries where bingo is popular is Japan. Japan has always had a thriving live bingo scene with thousands of bingo parlours throughout the country. As with the UK the game has transferred rapidly online creating a booming industry. The live game in Japan mirrors the live bingo scene in the UK where it is a very social event.

Australia and New Zealand also have a strong live bingo community and once again there seems to be growth in the online bingo scene. Australia has many bingo halls through the country as does New Zealand.

Many wonder why the UK has taken the lead in the online bingo world. My theory is this is simply due to a few factors. The main factor is that online gambling in the UK is fully legalised and regulated unlike online bingo in many other countries. Secondly the live bingo scene in the UK was badly hit by the smoking ban. In the UK you are no longer allowed to smoke in enclosed public areas and since the introduction of the smoking ban many players simply stopped playing live. Thirdly the credit crunch in the UK as hit everybody hard. The simple fact is that it is much cheaper to play bingo online than live and as you are playing against more players online the prize pools are vastly increased online. The final factor is the heavy promotion of online bingo by the UK media. Prime time TV is flooded with bingo commercial which are endorsed by well known celebs such as Katie Price and many others.