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Popularity of Mega Millions

Popularity of Mega Millions

Popularity of the Mega Millions Lottery

The popularity of the Mega Millions Lottery game can be attributed to a simple fact: The jackpots are higher and they climb much faster! Because it is a multi-state game, the jackpots and other prizes are much higher than single state games. The Mega Millions jackpot starts at $12 million and other prizes range from $2 all the way up to $250,000. In fact, more people play Mega Millions than any other multi-state game. Because of this, the jackpots climb to higher levels at a faster rate than any other lottery game in the country!

Mega Millions Benefits You and Your State

Not only is Mega Millions an exciting and profitable game, it is also beneficial to players and their states. Fifty percent of the money wagered on Mega Millions goes back to the players as prizes. A whopping thirty-five percent of the ticket sales goes back to participating states in order to support public education, public health, college scholarships, and all other programs participating states choose to support. For example, since 1974, the Ohio Lottery has provided more than $15 billion to public education. In 2007 alone, the Virginia Lottery contributed $437.1 million to public education. The Mega Millions game helps to make these state contributions possible.

History of Mega Millions

The Big Game, now known as Mega Millions, began on August 31, 1996. In the first drawing held in September of 1996 6 different states participated: Georgia Lottery, Illinois Lottery, Maryland Lottery, Massachusetts Lottery, Michigan Lottery, and Virginia Lottery. The Big Game got its new name in May of 2002 and with this new name came two new member states: New York Lottery and Ohio Lottery. By 2005 three more states, Washington lottery, Texas lottery and California lottery, joined the game and made it the country’s most widely played and popular multi-state jackpot game. Not only is Mega Millions the most widely played game, but it also holds the record for the largest jackpot ever paid out: $390 million!

How to Buy Mega Millions Lottery Tickets

When the Mega Millions lottery jackpot is high the lines can be extremely long. You can avoid the long lines and save yourself some time by logging onto the official Mega Millions website. Several states now allow the sale of Mega Millions and Powerball lottery tickets. At the present time US players cannot purchase lottery tickets online but several states are looking into the possibility of offering players online lottery tickets. No matter how you buy your Mega Millions lotto tickets playing Mega Millions is fun, exciting and for winners very lucrative!

Lotteries Set to Go Online

Lotteries Set to Go Online

The worldwide market for lotteries is hugs and over 200 jurisdictions around the world have official lotteries. In 2009 industry experts say that total global lottery revenues totaled about $240 billion USD. In the US where most states have lotteries total sales amounted to $52.4 billion in 2009 and are expected to rise in 2010. Lotteries also spend a lot of money on marketing and spend about $5 billion annually on advertising and promotions around the world. Most lottery jurisdictions implemented lotteries to supplement tax revenues and in the US most states spend lottery revenues on education or social services. Many jurisdictions have come to rely on lottery funds to support various government functions. During the current global recession lotteries have provided governments with much needed funds to fill empty state coffers.

Lottery ticket sales have increased by a modest 2% a year compared with double digit growth for casino and online gambling. In the US legislation has been introduced that would re legalize online gambling and provide the government with another revenue stream. In the US gambling sites are incredibly popular including lottery sites. Should federal law be changed it will clear the way for online lottery ticket sales which at present are blocked by vague regulations regarding online gambling. Online marketers stand to benefit from changes in the law as lotteries spend millions to promote their games online.

Thanks to the recession lottery ticket sales have slowed but there are other factors contributing to the slowdown in lotto ticket sales. Offshore gambling sites are siphoning off revenue from lotteries as more Americans go online to gamble and play foreign lotteries. In addition most lotteries have not introduced new games in years and player boredom has contributed to a decline in ticket sales. Mega jackpot lotteries such as Powerball and Mega Millions spark player interest when jackpots reach hundreds of millions but for some reason many lottery players are not interested in everyday jackpots of $20-$30 million and ticket sales fall.

Lottery demographics show that most regular lotto players are aging and for some reason many state lotteries have not been able to attract a younger player base. Thanks to flagging many states have had to cut marketing budgets resulting in flagging ticket sales. Most lottery industry experts say that allowing state lottery ticket sales in the US would result in an increase in sales. In Europe and New Zealand online lottery ticket sales have been popular with players and most players say convenience is a major factor in online lotto ticket purchases.