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States Without Lotteries (Page 1 of 2)

States Without Lotteries

What 8 States Are Without Lotteries and Why?

Despite the fact that lotteries provide a great source of government revenue for state programs, especially education, and a great amount of fun, there are 8 states that currently do not have state lotteries. The states that currently do not have lotteries are: Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Hawaii, Mississippi, Nevada, Utah and Wyoming. It is evident why most of these states continue to resist implementing a state lottery. For example, in Alabama, Mississippi and Utah, there is considerable religious opposition to all gambling. In Nevada, the casino industry opposes the lottery because of the competition it would create. Both Alaska and Hawaii are isolated from other states and therefore need not worry about losing money to nearby states. Lottery supporters in all eight of these states remain hopeful that a state lottery will eventually be put into place. If this happens, these 8 states could not only create their own exciting lotteries, but also participate in multi-state games such as Powerball and Mega Millions.


In 1999, a constitutional amendment to allow a State Lottery was defeated in the state of Alabama. Approximately 54% of voters opposed the lottery referendum while 46%, supported it. The total voter turnout was estimated at 50%. There is a strong Christian argument against instating the lottery in the state of Alabama. There has been little talk since 1999 about another state lottery proposal.


In 2003 there was a lot of buzz about gambling proposals in the state of Alaska. However, unlike Alabama, Alaska never brought a state lottery proposal to ballot. There has been little talk lately of implementing a state lottery in Alaska.


There is much talk in Arkansas about instating a state lottery. In fact, on April 13th, 2008 Lt. Gov. Bill Halter announced that enough signatures had been collected to put a lottery proposal on the Nov. 4 ballot. The state lottery proposal in Arkansas is described as the Arkansas Scholarship Lottery. The proceeds of the lottery would be used to fund scholarships and grants to citizens of Arkansas who are enrolled in public and private nonprofit colleges and universities located within the State. In 1996 and 2000, Arkansas voters rejected state lotteries whose proposals also included provisions for casinos. It seems the Arkansas citizens will get another chance to vote on an Arkansas state lottery at the end of this year.


Hawaii also does not have a state lottery. Like Alaska, there has been little talk lately in Hawaii about instating a state lottery. There are few arguments for or against a state lottery in Hawaii. Politicians’ main argument against a state lottery centers around the idea that it is unnecessary and is not needed for the education system to thrive.


While Mississippi does have casinos, it does not have a state lottery. In fact, proposals for a state lottery tend to be defeated in Mississippi because they would take away from casino profit. In 1990 a proposal for a state lottery was defeated in Mississippi. Like Alaska and Hawaii, there is little talk lately about the prospect of a state lottery in Mississippi.

S Dakota Cowboy Wins Powerball Jackpot

S Dakota Cowboy Wins Powerball Jackpot

Ranching in South Dakota can be a pretty hardscrabble existence. Severe weather conditions, uncertain rainfall, drastic changes in temperature can make ranching uncertain at best. South Dakota remains one of the poorest states in America. In an astounding turn of events a rancher too poor to afford a phone has just won a $232 million Powerball jackpot.

Neal Wanless a 23 year old rancher joins the ranks of some of the biggest lottery winners in history. Mr. Wanless is an extremely hard working young man who has struggled to help his family make ends meet. Wanless, who is single, lives with his parents on a 230 acre cattle ranch near Mission, South Dakota. Wanless will take home $88 million after taxes and plans to continue ranching. The Wanless family had fallen on hard times; last year a mobile home was repossessed and records show the family is $3,552 behind in their property taxes.

Wanless took a chance and bought $15 worth of lottery tickets at a store in Winner S.D. while on a trip into town to buy livestock feed.

Neighbor Dave Assman (real name) said, “They’ve been real short on finances for a long time. They are from real meager means, I guess you’d say.” Cathy Vrbka, the county assessor, expressed her good wishes for the family and said, “I hope they enjoy their money. They work hard, backbreaking hard work.”

Wanless expresses his appreciation to his community and plans to use some of his winnings to benefit his community. “My family has been helped by the community, and I intend to repay that help many times over,” said a grateful Wanless. It should be noted that people in the rural west have a very strong sense of community and the well wishers are numerous. Everyone in the community seems happy for the Wanless family but now that Wanless is a multi millionaire how long he will stay single is anybody’s guess. It is truly heartwarming to read of a deserving family finally getting a break.

For rural states like S Dakota the sale of online lottery tickets could be a blessing to lottery players. In states like S. Dakota lottery players may have to drive a considerable distance to the nearest lottery retailer. Most states that allow players to buy lotto tickets online report an increase in sales. Players in rural states could log on to their state lottery site and make an online lottery purchase without leaving the comfort of home. Online lottery tickets are clearly the wave of the future.