Tag Archives: states

Perfect Card Counting Every Time

It’s time to cut to the chase. Almost every post on blackjack forums, almost every article and most experts agree that card counting devices are useless.

There has also been a lot written about how they are also illegal.

To a certain extent I agree on both counts, but there are exceptions that should be noted.

It is a fact that most card counting devices are inferior to counting. I could go down the line and critique each one but suffice it to say that most of them have serious flaws. Some can’t be used in any casino because they cannot be hidden, one is sold by a convicted internet scam artist, most do not have the capability to give the true count, at least one is a throwback to the 1970’s and takes as long to master as card counting itself, some have issues with wiring and buttons. Most of them are completely overpriced.

As far as the illegality issue, electronic devices used to gain an advantage in casino games are illegal in nine states. Those states are Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey and Nevada. These 9 states account for approximately 45% of all casinos in the USA. The remainder of the states have NO laws against electronic devices.

There are also casinos on hundreds of cruise ships where there are no laws regarding electronic devices. Canada has 123 casinos and no laws against electronic devices.

Consider the rest of the world which has over 3300 casinos, most with no laws barring electronic devices and it begins to come into focus that perhaps there is a place in card counting for an electronic device if it performs correctly. After all, most Forum posts, articles and expert commentary out of hand dismiss ALL counting devices and lump them all together, when the only fact is that they are all different. The other issue is the legality of these devices.

The common thread is that they are illegal and don’t work. A question comes to mind in this regard. If they don’t work why are they illegal? Certainly some don’t work or work only as well as card counting, so why are they illegal? You would think the casinos would welcome anything that didn’t work, wouldn’t you?

Most of the negative comments and articles concern legality, but there are card counting purists that take the stand that says why use a counting device when you get the same results by counting cards. These people have already spent innumerable hours honing their counting skills and may be a little jealous of anyone that can perform at their same level or higher without all of the work.

The fact is that a card counting device is easier to use than merely counting cards. It can be more accurate, thereby making it more efficient than counting. It virtually eliminates mistakes. Also there is less fatigue which leads to fewer mistakes.

The perfect counting device should be easy to use, undetectable, capable of converting the running count to the true count, small enough to hide and it must be sturdy. May I add, it should be priced fairly.

I have developed the perfect card counting device, you were wondering where this article was going, one that conforms to all of the above criteria and then some. I call my invention The Wiz. Simply put it is the worlds most powerful and easy to use card counting computer.

Without going into the details in this article, it works better than card counting, almost DOUBLING your winning percentage, no matter what count you use.

If you would like more info on The Wiz you can go to

A Brief History of Lottery Tickets

A Brief History of Lottery Tickets

Lottery tickets have a long and colorful history. The first lottery tickets known are keno slips from the Han Dynasty in China. During the Roman Empire lotteries were used for entertainment during lavish dinner parties. The earliest recorded public lottery was organized by the Roman Emperor Caesar Augustus and the proceeds from the lottery were used for repairs in the city of Rome. One of the first European lotteries took place in the Dutch town of Sluis in the 14th century. This early lottery was the first public lottery to offer cash prizes and proved very popular. Lotteries spread across what is now known as the Netherlands and Belgium. Many of these early lotteries used the proceeds for charitable purposes. In the Netherlands lotteries were regarded as a painless kind of taxation.

Ticket based lo0tteries quickly spread to England Queen Elizabeth I chartered the first public lottery in 1566. Later the English government sold the right to sell lottery tickets to brokers who hired employees to sell the lottery tickets. Believe it or not these early lottery brokers were the forerunners of today’s stock brokers.

The history of the United States and lotteries are indelibly connected. The Virginia Company in London held private lotteries to fund the early settlement at Jamestown Virginia. In 1612 King James the First granted the Virginia Company the right to hold private lotteries. Later on lotteries played an important part in the development of Colonial America. Princeton and Columbia universities were financed by lotteries as was the University of Pennsylvania. During the Revolutionary War the Continental Congress established lotteries top fund the Continental Army. Later on the United States forgot its lottery heritage and banned lotteries and by 1900 lotteries had disappeared from the American scene.

The ban on lotteries spawned a new criminal enterprise known as the ‘numbers game.’ Most numbers games were very similar to current pick 3, pick 4 and pick 5 games offered by most state lotteries. In the 1960’s New Hampshire became the first state in modern times to sell lottery tickets. Since then 43 states, the District of Columbia, the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico have established lotteries. Computer technology made the purchase of lottery tickets easier and more accurate. Lottery retailers are able to offer ‘quick pick’ options where numbers are selected by a random number generator. The addition of mega jackpot multi state lotteries like Powerball and mega Millions set new records for lottery ticket sales.

What does the future hole for lottery tickets? Most industry experts say that online lottery ticket sales will be extremely popular among players and boost ticket sales. Some offshore lotteries have already made the move online with great success. In New Zealand players can even have winnings deposited into personal bank accounts electronically. The UK National Lottery sells tickets online and also sells tickets for a few European lotteries such as EuroMillions. In the not so distant future most lottery experts expect paper lottery tickets to be a thing of the past.