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What Is Razz Poker (Page 1 of 2)

Razz Poker is also known as 7 card stud low. Razz Poker became popular during the 2004 World Series of Poker. The object of Razz Poker is relatively simple. Whoever has the worst hand wins! Razz Poker can be one of the most frustrating poker game, however.

The Razz Poker rules are simple. Razz Poker is an ante game and every player is required to put in their ante before the cards are dealt. Once the cards have been dealt, Razz Poker plays very much like 7 Card Stud with a few important differences.

In Razz Poker, the highest up card on third street has to make the forced bring in bet to start the action. On all subsequent rounds, the lowest hand showing acts first. Should there be a tie then the first active Razz Poker player clockwise from the dealer begins the round’s action. Another difference in Razz Poker is if a player pairs his door card then there is no double bet option like there would be in standard 7 card stud.

In Razz Poker, the lowest hand wins the pot at showdown. In addition, aces count as low and flushes and straights are ignored. Thus, the best five card hand in Razz Poker is Ace,2,3,4,5. Figuring out the best low hand is easy. You start with the top card and work down. Thus, a six low beats a seven low for example. Should there be a tie on the top card, then you move to the second card.

Razz Poker starting hands are easy to remember. If you have three cards between Ace and five, you have a great starting hand. A23 is the best starting hand, but any three cards between Ace and five (no pairs of course!) is a hand to bet and raise with on third street. Three card starting hands between Ace and six are good starting hands and should be played aggressively as well, but with a little more caution if several other players with lower door cards are ramping up the action. Three cards of seven or lower is a fair starting hand that you’ll want to see 4th street with, even if you have to call a bet or two to do so. A three card eight is becoming marginal. If you can limp in or steal the antes with it, do so. Playing three card eights, however, will generally cost you chips in the long run.

Many Razz Poker players are observant when viewing the up cards and tend to have a much better idea of their relative hand strength by viewing the up cards. If you have three cards to a nine low and there are no other up cards lower than a nine, then you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you have the best hand on third street and can bet and raise, even though a “nine low” is not usually a hand that you would play. However, you should continue to keep an eye on the other Razz Poker players porches as the hand progresses. Even if you catch low cards that pair your hole cards, if the other players are catching bad high cards, you can still usually win the pot by betting aggressively.

Live and dead cards is an important aspect of 7 card stud. While in that game, you are wanting your cards to be “live”, while in Razz Poker you prefer them to be “dead.” Catching pairs can kill a great starting Razz Poker hand, so the more dead cards you see the better.

Safe Poker Playing For Beginners

In recent years, the game of poker has risen in popularity thanks mainly to televised poker tournaments like the World Series of Poker. As a result, plenty of people have flocked to poker tables from brick and mortar casinos to online casinos. Even users of the social networking giant Facebook are playing poker for fun. In fact, I would not be surprised if people hone their poker playing skills playing those casual hold ’em games.

If you are just starting out with playing poker, more often than not, you are looking for tips and tricks that will help you be the last man standing…or sitting in the poker table. The thing about poker is that you would need skills to play at a high level. This means that you would have to spend some time perfecting your game if you want to make poker playing a way of making a living. On the other hand, it also means that you are not as hopeless as you might think. There is always a way for your to improve your game and it starts with knowing how to play smart.

When starting out, it is understandable that you might find advanced techniques to be too challenging or too hard to grasp. Don’t worry though, you can start with the basics and move up from there. And one of the basics that you should learn is that you do not have to play every round. At the same time, you do not have to fold all mediocre cards.

In hold ’em, you would have five community cards that can make your mediocre hand look like a winning one so learn when to push your luck and when to fold.

Another way to play safe is to play only on a clear head. If you are in a bad mood or you are drunk, do not play poker. Your judgments would be clouded which is no way to play poker. Many players end up losing a lot of money because they play with impaired judgment and you surely do not want to be like them.

Learn more about playing poker at casinos online, visit English Harbour Casinos.