Tag Archives: splitting wins

Splitting Wins In Texas Holdem – #1 Reason For Splitting Holdem Wins

No one likes it, but sometimes splitting wins in Texas Holdem actually happens, and this is completely within in the rules. In very rare situations you will have to split a win. Read on to find out the 1 reason.

Splitting wins in Texas Holdem isn’t an often occurrence but it can actually happen. The first time this happened to me I couldn’t believe it. I wanted all the pot for myself! Wouldn’t you? All that hard work I put in to win the pot and here I am splitting my win with a friend of a friend of a friend.

At the end of a round of poker, you will have to split the pot with another person if you both have exactly the same hand. This can happen due to a variety of causes, all of them quite uncommon. Read on for the most probable reason that you will no doubt run into sooner or later.

Splitting Wins In Texas Holdem – Your Both Have The Same Hole Card And Are Using The Same Community Cards

Splitting your wins in Texas Holdem happens more more often for this reason, but still not very usually. Say for instance you both get a K-J. Then the board drops a K-J and you both have a two pair. In the end you both have a two pair and the highest kicker on the board, so you both have the same hand and the pot is split. Other times, running with this example again, the two last kings will drop on the board and you both have a trips. In even rarer cases the second card (the J in this example) doesn’t have to be the same just as long as there are two cards on the board that are higher. So the two players kickers are community cards and hence the same. Because the two hands are the same the players end up splitting their wins.

So as you can see, splitting wins in Texas Holdem does happen. If you play enough Texas Holdem inevitably you will run into a situation where the rules dictate that splitting the pot is the final answer. Remember, anytime that two players have exactly the same hand they will have to split the pot. It doesn’t matter if some or all of the cards are community cards. But don’t get too caught up on it, as a win is a win, and any amount of chips is better then nothing.