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Slots Tournaments

A Slot tournament is where a collection of solitary slot machine players all work collectively to earn cash or prizes after all paying a small fee. The idea of a tournament was introduced in the land based casino to encourage more people to play the slot machines as a taster to the more serious forms of gambling.  Paying an entry fee, which is usually small depending on the number of people entering, is all that is needed. The players are then required to play the slots for the allotted time, and the players who have won the most money will then win the tournament.

For a Slot Tournament in an online casino, the entry fee is generally small, although it can be up to £100 for the high ranking games, and you then receive a large sum of money that you use for playing in the tournament. This way, the casinos entice the players into entering the money, and they will receive the house cuts from the slots either way, so nobody really loses out. The tournament rules will state a set time period, whether it goes by day, or by time is up to the casino.

In that time period, the money from each win or loss is automatically calculated, instead of it being done by officials at the casino (which often means that it is more accurate), on a leader board that can be found on the site.  After the time is up, (although you do not have to continue playing all the hours in the tournament) the player who has succeeded in gaining the highest winnings will win the tournament, and may possibly win more than a solitary player would. It is possible for a tournament to have ranking rules, where there is more than one player who will win part of the prize money depending on their ranking.

Slot Tournaments are fun and exciting, as they offer greater rewards than you would win if you were to play alone. It is important to note that the only amount you are likely to physically lose is your entry fee, as the play money is given by the casino. They are notably more interesting because skill is not needed to play the games, and everyone has an equal chance at winning the tournament. However, it is important that you take note of time left, and that there are no credits left at the end of the said time period, as any unused credits will not be playable after this.

Practicing with the free slots that are offered at home will help improve your speed and concentration for playing in the tournament games, as this is important if you want a huge chance of winning the prizes, which can be anything from cash amounts, plane tickets, or even stays in a luxury hotel. These prizes are subject to the casino rules, and it is wise to look around for a site and tournament to suit your needs.

For Fun Play Baccarat

Baccarat has been around since the 1400’s… If it’s been around this long, you better believe it’s a fun game! 🙂

One of the greatest aspects of Baccarat is that it’s such a simple and easy game to learn. It’s way more simple than poker or keno for example. That’s why if you’re looking for fun – play baccarat!

Baccarat – in its essence – is a game of chance. So when you’re playing baccarat for fun, don’t get too hard on yourself. Your main focus when you’re a baccarat beginner is to practice and keep learning. This way you build your baccarat skills over time and you become better and better. If you keep improving on a regular basis, you’ll become a baccarat expert in no time!

A recommendation I have for to learn baccarat in a relaxed, easy and fun way is to start by playing baccarat online. You can have a blast by playing with baccarat players from around the world – all from the comfort of your home computer. This also means you can have a baccarat “cheat sheet” with tips and techniques right next to you. That’s something that you can’t do in regular casinos but that’s a definitely luxury playing online gives you!

I really suggest that in your first games of baccarat online, focus on getting the feel of the game. Maybe make a small deposit. Get a feel of the flow. Don’t jump in and bet hundreds in the beginning! Make a small deposit and just get used to betting with baccarat and have fun playing online!

Another great tip to make sure you have a fun time with no stress is to set winning and losing limits when gambling on baccarat online. Save some for a rainy day. Remember you’re playing baccarat on the internet to have fun!

I’ve given you some ways to for fun play baccarat here and if you want more resources on how to play, definitely check out the resources I’ve also listed here. Always make sure to keep your baccarat face on and keep it lively!