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Sit&Go Holdem Strategy (Page 1 of 2)


Sit & Go’s are one of the great things that online poker has introduced to all us poker players. They are, in fact, one table tournaments (there are also Sit & Go’s which consist of two or even three tables) where every player starts with an equal amount of chips and the blinds increase after a specific amount of time (usually ten minutes or so) until one player has all the chips. There is a great variety of Sit & Go’s in every poker site, like PokerStars.com, PokerRoom.com and PartyPoker.com, and they can really become a very good way for a skilled player to win a lot of money using a specific strategy.

Early stages (first 2-3 levels)

Now, I am a strong supporter of the idea that says that no specific strategy or style of play is the way to win in poker because I believe that every strategy has its pros and cons and there is no hard-and-fast rule on how to play poker correctly. However, throughout my years of experience in online poker I have never seen anyone playing very loose during the early stages of a Sit & Go and actually be a consistent winner. This is one of these few occasions where tight play is necessary, especially in low or medium limit tournaments. That’s because everybody else at your table will already be playing loose because the blinds are so small in relation to the stacks.

The problem with this, though, is that this way, they jeopardize a big percentage, if not all, of their arsenal during a stage in which they don’t have any reason to do so. Small blinds usually mean small pots and while it might be useful to win some early pots it certainly is nowhere near as helpful as doubling your stack up during the later stages of the tournament. So in this stage, I will only play quality hands like AA, KK, QQ and AK and usually raise quite strongly with them before the flop because I don’t want many people in the pot. I will avoid playing AJ or A-10, especially in early position and hands like AQ, 10-10 and JJ should be played very cautiously. I don’t want to go broke early because the later stages, when the blinds will have been raised significantly and several players will definitely have been eliminated, are much more important.

Middle stages (levels 4-6)

By the time you reach the middle stages of the tournament, usually 2-3 players will have been eliminated. At this moment the most important thing is your stack size. If your stack size is bigger than 10 times the amount of the big blind your strategy should not be altered much, although with less players at the table hands like AQ, 10-10 and JJ should now be played more aggressively.

If your stack is less than 8-10 times the big blind then you are in all-in mode. Your goal at this moment should be to find a good spot to push your stack in and try to double up. You want be able to steal the blinds with pot-sized raises and you will certainly not be able to preserve any significant amount of chips by folding to a reraise. What you must realize is that moving all-in while you still have fold equity – and you won’t have much of that if your stack drops down to 3-4 times the amount of the big blind – is very important because winning those blinds without a fight will add a very healthy percentage to your stack size (usually almost 20%).

Sit n Go Tournaments: Valuable Advise For Texas Hold Em NL Poker STT's

Introducing: Sit N Go Strategy.
Sit N Go Poker tournaments is a expression used for online poker tournaments, mostly consisting of one table. While many of the usual games follow a fixed time schedule, Sit N Go tournaments do not open until the exact quantity of people necessary sign up for them. Sit N Go poker tournaments primarily consist of one table of only 6 or 10 contestants and that is why they are so exceptional. Preparing your winning strategy is simpler, since in a single-table Sit N Go poker game all participants are visible at once. This, of course, leads to the discussion on the subject of the best Sit N Go strategy for a No Limit Texas Holdem game.

The Best Sit N Go Strategy
You might be familiar with the usual No Limit Texas Holdem cash games and their strategies, but the Sit N Go strategy is a totally unique topic. Even if you are used to calling with a suited Q-7 in the cash game, gambling on whatever the flop brings, the Sit N Go tournaments do not excuse such behavior. A tournament is all about survival; therefore, have discipline and patience.

During the beginning rounds of Sit N Go tournaments toss out every weak or mediocre hands. Once you are dealt a wanted hand like a pocket pair, AK or AQ, announce it by raising 3-5 times the size of the big blind. Do not allow anyone with a less strong hand limp in and accidentally beat your hand on the flop.

Plan your game according to this Sit N Go strategy, and you will be rewarded with a lot of chips as the Sit N Go poker tournament progresses. By now you have achieved for yourself a reputation of a tight-aggressive contender; your raises will be respected and people will usually fold, no matter what hand you actually hold. The level of the blinds is very high now, so your Sit N Go strategy should be all about stealing them whenever you can.

We have described the Sit N Go strategy actually meant for Sit N Go poker games with ten contestants. If the bubble is at the fourth or third place, you can make it, winning more money than you spent to be a part of the competition. A certain change to the Sit N Go strategy is needed though, if there are only 6 competitors in the tournament. The blinds will reach you faster; thus you will be paying, approximately, a quarter of a blind for every hand, even if you fold. Therefore, although the tournament began only minutes before, already attempt getting extra chips back by depriving other people of their blinds. Use your late position to your gain and make a significant raise, regardless of your current cards strength.

Five Important Sit N Go Strategy Tips For Beginning Players
Apart from the aforementioned Sit N Go strategy, remember this:

1. Sit N Go tournaments normally start with small level of blinds, hence you are likely to try a damaging Sit N Go strategy: calling with almost any hand. Someone in a later position will raise, you will be left with no option but to call and then fold on the flop. Eventually, despite the fact that the tournament is at its early stage, you will be the one to suffer because of the lack of chips.

2. Poker is not about constantly re-raising your rivals. If you are getting into a battle of raises with someone, put your ego aside, stop and think: how come your opponent is not scared of whatever you might have? Will your two tens in the hole be sufficient? In case of uncertainty and doubt, maybe the prudent thing to do is to fold. This is not about the war of egos, only of tactics.

3. Not all Sit N Go tournaments will see you become the chip leader: a different Sit N Go strategy must be carried out if your chip supply is almost gone. If the other people have learned to respect your raises, wait for a relatively serious hand and then move all-in before it is too late.

4. But if you are the one with the big stack, constantly raise and re-raise, making the opponents with smaller stacks either go all-in or fold and lose their bets and blinds. Using your large amount of chips to your gain is a very rewarding Sit N Go strategy.

5. One more thing: you still can get a series of bad beats and not make it to the Sit N Go poker tournament’s money prizes , but that does not mean that you must rashly get into another one. Go on a short break to get back your cool.

This concludes our definite guide for Sit N Go strategies. May the gods of luck shine on your Sit N Go tournaments!