Tag Archives: single

Blackjack Tips

Today, I will share with you some tips and thoughts about Blackjack. This article will be most beneficial to beginning and mid-level Blackjack players.

Press Up to Single Deck

If you walk around casino in Las Vegas, you’ll notice that most of the Blackjack games are shoe games. Sometimes you’ll see double-deck Blackjack and sometimes-rarely-you’ll see affordable single-deck games.

Here’s an important tip. If you’re playing $15 hands of double-deck or shoe Blackjack and there’s $25 per hand single-deck game open, think about pressing up and going to it. You’ll be in a much better situation and the increase might be manageable for you.

Of course, if you’re playing $5 hands, $25 would be too much.

Single Deck isn’t Single Deck

Don’t get confused between single-deck Blackjack in the real world and single-deck Blackjack at online casinos. They are not the same thing-not even close.

When you play online, that single deck game is shuffled after every hand. You never get a read on a deck and you’ll always be playing “randomly.” In a real-world casino, you can get a few hands out of each single deck. This will allow you to get a feel for the deck, remember what’s left and play a better game.

While there’s a difference between single- and double-deck games online, just remember that the online versions aren’t played the same as their real-world counterpart.

Don’t Chase the Win

It’s theoretically possible for you to lost 1,000 hands of Blackjack in a row. Don’t get sucked into the progression line of betting.

In other words, don’t press your bets just because you’ve lost and you feel you’re “due” to win. It doesn’t work that way. You need to play smart and consistent to win at Blackjack over the long term.

There are countless Blackjack systems out there that are built on progression chains. A common one is 1-2-4-8-16-32-64. This means that if you lose the first bet, you wager two units. Lose that bet and you play four units next time-and so on.

This is the best way to lose a fortune fast. Plus, why would you wager 64 units to win one unit? I hope you can see the stupidity in all of this.

That’s not to say that you can’t do mini-progressions and have fun. Perhaps something like 1-1-3. Just don’t get too nuts. Keep a balance between trying to win money and having fun.

Blackjack, like most casino games, is very fun to play, but it can be extremely frustrating. Don’t give yourself a heart attack by getting caught up in wild and crazy progression chains. Stick to your guns, learn the game, and play to have fun. You’ll not only enjoy yourself, but you’ll have a much better chance at bringing home some free money.

How to Win Cash 3 Lotto | Pick 3 Lottery Tips

In the pick-3 lottery game, in order to win, you have to get three numbers that fall within the numeric range of 0 through 9. There are three different combination’s of numbers in this game. You can have single combos, double combos or triple combos. In this article we are going to discuss how to generate a pick-3 lottery wheel.

The majority of winning combination’s in the pick-3 lottery wheel are single combination numbers. That means that in each winning combination’s of numbers, that each digit is unique. In the wheels that we will discuss, we will talk about helping you to get either a single combination or a double combination.

There are 2 different ways to wheel numbers so that we will get single combination’s of numbers.

A. Wheel 4 numbers – this will generate 4 single combination’s – you will get 3 out of 3 numbers right if all 3 winning numbers are drawn out of your total 4 numbers

In order to generate these numbers, you have to create a chart. The chart will have 6 columns. In the leftmost column top row you will type in the words “enter 4 wheel s”. To the right of that you will have 4 columns that you will enter a single digit. Continuing to go across you have the last column in the row that says final combo. Going to the 2nd row, all the columns are blank. The next row you will enter Combo 1, next row down, Combo 2, next row down, Combo 3, last row down, Combo 4. You then fill out the combo in each row based on the chart and then you end up with your final combination’s.

Let’s look at an example to see what this looks like.

Enter 4 ‘s – 5 7 4 2 Final Combo

Combo 1 – X 7 4 2 742

Combo 2 – 5 X 4 2 542

Combo 3 – 5 7 X 2 572

Combo 4 – 5 7 4 X 574

Notice that where there is an X, that you don’t bring any numbers down in that row and column. Now that you have 4 combination’s, that you play each number. This is how you wheel 4 numbers to get 4 single combination’s in the pick 3 lottery wheel.