Tag Archives: scratch off

#1 Best Lottery Ebook – Lottery Method System

I see a lot of individuals come into my store and lose too much money in the lottery. That could be rich individuals. Poor individuals. People who just feel like playing. Young people. Old individuals. Whoever it is, is not an issue. There are so many people out there playing the lottery and they are losing a great deal of money.

Here is a brilliant technique that I can provide you to help you minimize and cut your losses to a marginal level. I discovered this after studying and analyzing thousands of lottery players.

One important matter that the lottery players were not doing was setting what I call a “loss limit”. A loss limit is a spending limit you want to set on yourself. You need to put a spending limit because it will prevent you from risking away all your money.

This is essential because there are too many people out there who spend more money than they can really afford to play. This is because the lottery stimulates a lot of emotions when you play whether it’s the scratch off games, the pick 3 games, the pick 4 games, the pick 5games, or the state lottery.

The lottery will make the player to be overly emotional. That is why you need an insurance system that can forbid you from liquidating a great deal of money. Therefore, one little magic that I have found is setting a daily loss limit.

Simply set your own personal loss limit before you play the lottery. It can be $10, $50, $100. It doesn’t matter how much it is. What matters is that it’s agreeable to your own financial budget. So set it and stick to it.

It’s basically two measures. First measure is to set it. And the second measure is to stick to it. The reason why you want to do this is you will spare a lot of money practicing this technique. I have seen too many individuals come into my store getting off playing 2 scratch off ticket stand they end up spending over 50 or more scratch off tickets!

Unfortunately, they end up losing a great deal of money in the scratch off games. If they have set a loss limit before entering the store, they would have kept getting big losses.

You lose money, like in casinos. That’s just the reality of all the lottery games. But something you can do to prevent yourself from losing too much money is to set a loss limit. When you set a loss limit, you will check yourself at the correct time before it gets even worse.

It’s like the stock market. When your stock price is going down,there is an 8% rule by a well-known investor. He says that when your stock price is going down 8%, you want to sell all your stocks instantly because you wish to cut your losses before it gets even worse.It’s similar when you’re playing any lottery game, you require to set a loss limit. And most importantly, you need to stick to it. So beginning today whenever you go into the store, set your personal loss limit and stick to it.

Scratch Off Lottery Games Big Business !

Scratch Off Lottery Games Big Business !

Scratch off lottery tickets are probably the most commonly played lottery games. The first scratch off lottery games were targeted at ‘impulse buyers’ who will sometimes buy a scratch off lottery ticket with other purchases at convenience stores. Unlike mega jackpot games like Powerball and Mega Millions scratch off lotto games offer players significantly better odds of winning a prize. Although the jackpots may not be as big scratch off players can win significant amounts of cash instantly. In June 2010 a Puerto Rican man vacationing in Connecticut won $1 million dollars after purchasing two “$100,000,000 Diamond Mine” scratch off lottery tickets. After taxes he took home a cool $400,000. A Las Vegas resident purchased a $50 scratch off lotto ticket in Texas and won $10 million dollars. The lucky player has won the Texas lottery four times with total winnings of $21 million.

Every scratch off lottery game has its own odds and generally the higher priced scratch off tickets have much better odds in favor of the player than lower priced scratch off games do. Most scratch off lottery games have odds clearly listed on the tickets. In the US most lottery jurisdictions offer various scratch off lottery games with varying ticket prices. Scratch off lotto tickets are available at all lottery retailers. The first scratch off lottery games, called the ‘Instant Game ‘were offered by the Massachusetts lottery in 1974. The game was an instant hit and delivered something no other lottery game could-instant cash. Scratch off games became popular and by the 1980’s 16 states sold scratch off games generating revenues of over $1 billion dollars a year. Typically scratch off lottery tickets are priced at $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, and even higher.

Scratch off lottery games have varied themes including sports, holiday and seasonal themes and many others. In 2009 the classic rock group Aerosmith offered a series of scratch off lottery games with concert tickets and backstage passes as prizes. It is common for players to purchase several scratch off tickets at the same time and use winnings to purchase more tickets. The graphic design of scratch off lottery tickets has spawned a new hobby; lotology or the collecting of lottery tickets. Recently two artists created a series of unique sculptures using recycled scratch off lottery tickets. Because scratch off lottery tickets generate billions for state lotteries they are likely to be with us for some time to come.