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How to Win At Casino Gambling Using "The Law of Attraction"

The concept of metaphysics in casino play is not a new one. Those who truly understand it can reap huge benefits while those who ignore it can sometimes be subject to mere “chance”. In this lesson, we’ll discuss a few key concepts that you can try for yourself. Interestingly enough, though some of these concepts may seem a bit esoteric, they’re quite practical in ways that might really surprise you. The “Law of Attraction” is considered a basic, viable universal law that has proven itself, consistently, with those who practice it. The law states: that which you focus on, will manifest itself in your reality. Now, many people believe in this concept in a superficial way (“Sure – you get what you wish for, or are afraid of.”). But only a small percentage of those people can turn that law into an everyday pathway to successful endeavors. In this lesson, we’re going to take a look at how the law pertains to Casino Gaming. Trust me – this isn’t just “positive thinking”. It’s the practical application of a proven, acknowledged universal concept. Ready? Let’s begin.

Difficulty: Moderately Easy

Items Needed: The willingness to look at things in a positive new light.

Step 1:

The Jackpot Jar

The first thing that you need to consider, when accessing energy, in order to aid you at the casino, is the role of “positive” vs. “negative”. One type of energy will help you and the other will hinder your efforts. Needless to say, playing with money that you can’t afford to lose (bill or rent money) is an immediate source of stress which creates negative energy. Never do this! Your fear of losing needed funds will draw that exact probability directly to you.

A cool way to begin creating your own reality is by starting a “Jackpot Jar”. Carefully (and with no outside distractions) create a jar with large colorful letters (blues and greens are best – avoid red) that say “JACKPOT” on its’ side. The word “JACKPOT” will serve as a subliminal positive message that the money inside is intended for “jackpots”. Now place your jar in a convenient location and throw in your extra change along with a few dollars every week – until you have the desired funds in which to bring to the casino. You have now taken the first step towards a positively energized, focused casino experience.

How To Increase Your Chances Of Winning The Lottery

Every week, you hear news that someone won the lottery. You hear hundreds of these stories every year. You play the lottery all the time, but it’s always someone else that wins. It’s never you. Why? Perhaps you’ve just been playing wrong. There are things that you could do to increase your chances of winning the lottery.

The number one thing you could do is change the game you play. Instead of playing the high jackpot games, play games with better odds. That sounds simple, right? But that could increase your chances of winning the jackpot many times over.

Here’s an example – Say you’re a regular Mega Millions player. The odds of winning the Mega Millions jackpot are approximately 175-million-to-1. Now, instead of playing Mega millions, try choosing a game with better odds of winning, like a state lottery game. Say you find a state lottery game that offers odds of 15-million-to-1. Just by changing to that game from Mega Millions, you will be approximately 12 times more likely to win. See how simple it is?

The problem is that we use our emotions when buying lottery tickets. We see a high jackpot and that’s the game we want to play. We just want to win a lot of money, as much as possible. But that’s how those lotteries get us. They make a lot of money from players like us that bet emotionally instead of with our senses.

The next thing you could do to increase your chances of winning the lotto is to join a lottery pool. See, the more tickets you buy, the better your odds of winning. But you shouldn’t be buying too many tickets yourself. That would be financially irresponsible. So, playing as a group is the solution.

Let’s say that, as a group, you could buy 20 tickets per draw. If the odds of winning the lottery are, say, 15-million-to-one, then with 20 tickets the odds decrease to 750,000-to-1. See how the odds change drastically when you buy more tickets?

Hopefully, now you have a better sense of what you can do to increase your chances of winning the lottery. Good luck and may you win a big jackpot one day!