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Five Time Lottery Winner to Collect $17 Million

Five Time Lottery Winner to Collect $17 Million
Most of us would consider ourselves lucky with one big lottery win but Seguro Ndabene who traded the warm tropical weather of Mozambique for the cold of Western Canada has won the lottery not once, not twice, but five times! Ndabene who lives in Airdrie, north of Calgary, has racked up two wins of $1 million dollars, another win of $100,000 and a fourth win of $500,000! Ndabene biggest win of all, $17 million, is being contested by Tony Koprnicky, also of Airdrie, who claims the winning ticket was a part of a group purchase.

Ndabene’s extraordinary run of good luck began in 2005 when he won $1 million dollars while working for the Nishi-Khon Forestry Service in Yellowknife. Ndabene has a degree in business administration and says he has been playing and buying lottery tickets for years. Although there have been many multiple lottery winners over the years Andrea Marantz from Western Canada Lottery Corp. said it would be impossible to calculate the odds of one player winning the lottery five times. Marantz said, “It’s an unanswerable question because he won on different games and each game has different odds. You also can’t possibly do any kind of an odds calculation unless you know how many tickets somebody has.”The lottery corporation investigates all wins of more than $10,000.

During the dispute Ndabene said he was confident he would prevail in court. Ndabene said there is no doubt that the winning lottery is his alone and in a later development Tony Koprnicky, the man who made the original complaint told the Calgary Sun that he had made a mistake. The investigation was so complex that the Lottery Corporation turned the investigation over to Provincial authorities. Finally in November Mr. Ndabene won his court challenge and will collect the $17 million he won in January. Mr. Ndabene has to be Canada’s luckiest man!

Not everyone can be as lucky as Mr. Ndabene when buying lottery tickets. Most of us would be happy with one big win. For those looking for a more convenient way to purchase lottery tickets many state and national lotteries now allow the sale of online lottery tickets. Players can log on to individual lottery websites and check for the latest winning numbers and can also access a database with the location of the nearest lottery retailer. The ability to purchase online lottery tickets can eliminate the need for a trip to a lottery terminal and there is no waiting in long lines. Lotteries are swiftly catching up with 21st century technology.

Arkansas Lottery Poses Dilemma for Colleges

Arkansas Lottery Poses Dilemma for Colleges
The recent introduction of the Arkansas lottery was good news for most citizens of the state. Lottery tickets went on sale September 28th at over 1550 locations throughout the state. The lottery has not been without controversy. Harding University, a Christian college in Arkansas made a decision to allow its students to purchase lottery tickets and play the newly introduced Arkansas lottery. Despite a student ban on gambling at the college affiliated with the Church of Christ the university made an exemption for the lottery.

The exemption was originally made because revenues generated by the Arkansas lottery go towards funding college scholarships. The scholarships are available for students at both public and private colleges including Harding University. David Crouch, the university’s public relations director cited the funding of scholarships as the main reason for the lottery exemption. Students at Harding are forbidden to gamble. Crouch stated, “We are opposed to gambling. It is part of our code of conduct,”

In October Harding reversed course and banned students from playing the Arkansas lottery. Harding University President David Burks said that the University would include the Arkansas lottery in its student gambling ban. Burks said that the exemption was a mistake. Burks stated, “My intention was to express in our policy the reality that it will be very difficult to enforce any prohibition against the lottery. In an attempt to avoid one appearance of hypocrisy, I made a decision that has itself come to be viewed as hypocritical.” Burks said that students caught playing the Arkansas lottery would face a written or verbal warning. Burks said, “It is important to me that all people, both here and away from campus, know that Harding University stands firmly against gambling.”

The Arkansas lottery has posed a dilemma for other private colleges. Ouachita Baptist University in Arkadelphia has banned students from playing the lottery. Arkansas State University, the University of Central Arkansas and the University of Arkansas ban students from gambling on campus but said that the gambling ban would apply to the purchase of lottery tickets on campus.

While a few states are still arguing about the morality of state lotteries others are joining the 21st century and now allow the purchase of online lottery tickets. Players no longer have to trek to the nearest lottery retailer to purchase lottery tickets. In addition players can check for winning numbers. States with large budget deficits hope the availability of online lottery tickets will boost lottery generated revenues and fill state coffers. Purchasing online lottery tickets has been very popular in Europe and states are hoping for similar results in the US.