Tag Archives: research

How to Win Money Betting on Sports (Page 1 of 2)

Does the title of this article grab you in that sensitive place of your heart and mind? Does it touch a nerve down deep attracting you towards the time you will win and win big? There’s probably a nagging sensation in you that wants to know if there is some art or secret to winning money betting on sports. Others do it and, perhaps, you even know some who claim to win big money. There are magazines and books devoted to all types of sports betting. The theme, however, is how to win money betting on sports.

Betting on sports is a different kind of wagering than say, slot machines, or roulette, or even craps. Sports betting are closely kin to poker. Poker is considered gambling by the uninitiated and, of course, it is in that category. But poker is far more sophisticated than merely playing a hand of cards dealt to you and placing a bet on the table. Poker is a discipline all it’s own and so is sports betting. The two endeavors should be considered first cousins of chance.

It is not unusual to see a good poker player also have a certain degree of success with his sports betting. Both require a good deal of thought, observation, research, and courage. You have to be aggressive and bold in both.

There are some who would love to bet on their favorite team, but lack the basic understanding to do it. But with the Internet you can do an amazing amount of research; with Amazon.com you can purchase books online. You can do the kind of research that will start you on the right road to becoming successful. Success in sports betting is always winning more than you lose. Anything less than that is a failure; this is basic stuff.

After learning a few of the basic rules and forming an overall strategy of betting it becomes very tempting to launch out and bet a bundle. Don’t do that; sports betting, like poker is a game of patience and skill. Take time to learn as much as possible. When you get to the point you think you know the drill then make your wagers on paper. Do this for seven events. Be careful because you are not really playing with money-you might take risks on paper you wouldn’t or shouldn’t take when betting your own cash.

When you are doing paper trades you can burn any number of games. There are lots of teams and lots of games. Some bettors fear if they pass up too many good bets while doing the paper trades they will lose money. Games are like taxis in a large city. If you miss one there will be another one by in a few minutes. Be patient.

If I had to establish an unbreakable rule for how to win money betting on sports it would be: “Become a knowledgeable bettor.” That requires research and research and research. There are no short cuts to winning at sports betting. Oh you can plop down a bet here and there and you may even be lucky and win once or twice. But if you bet without doing the basic research you will soon become disillusioned and quit, or you will bet the farm and have to move out. Don’t do that. Play smart. You can win a lot of money if you do this the right way. You can lose a lot if you don’t.

UK Horse Racing – The Staking Machine Review (Page 1 of 2)

It is quite often in horse racing and sport in general, that once you have got through most of the hype surrounding a tipping service, or piece of software, it is nowhere close to what you predicted. So it was a shock to turn up across software that does exactly what it says on the tin, and much extra. Most of what I evaluate commonly turns out to be utter hogwash so it never gets a reference from me on the web.

That software is The Staking Machine, and is by far the greatest bit of kit I have discovered for staking research, not just that, the bloke in charge of it, Dave, is approachable to fresh ideas for the software, and has already implemented a number of additions I put forward, which makes it easier to import the results from system buidlers like RSB, Raceform Update, and other related research tools.

The Staking Machine is simply software which allows you to process historical results (or randomly selected with the software), alongside many staking plans, making it painless to compare them to increase your profits. The software is exceedingly flexible, and gives you more than an adequate amount of data so you can undoubtedly see the top staking plan for whatever system/method you are using. You will be shocked how much prospective profits you may possibly be missing out on by ignoring this software, which is now part of my own professional portfolio, and I have been a professional gambler for over 10 years.

Not only can this sports gambling software be used as a betting calculator to analyse your back, lay and each way gambling, it can in addition be used to track your previous bets and their performance. Once you have chosen your staking plan the sports betting software automatically calculates the next stake in the chosen staking plan so that you do no labor at all.

To help in your research there is an indepth research screen that compares all staking plans side by side. The research includes ROI, Profit, Drawdown, Sequences confidence test, graphs, Odds Frequency and more.

Everyone is aware the more data you have the better. You can use the special editing features to Reverse or Randomise your data and check if the results are the same irrespective of the order your wins came in. You can moreover multiply the data you have to generate up to 30,000 bets. Used along with the random bet generator to fully test your strike rates and staking plans.

This software probably has a lot more than you’ll probably require, but it includes all the staking plans you have heard of, and many you have not. When checking the research results, please pay attention to the maximum stake column so you know the risks, as well as the drawdown.

I have listed a good number of the functions below, but you will unearth more, and extras are added in every new version:

* This staking software has 19 Back Staking Plans including Level, 1326, Dalembert,Fibonacci, Percentage, Parlay, Pro, Secure, Fixed, Kelly, Square Root, Labouchere, Retirement, Bookies Bank, the infinite settings of XYZ, Up X Down Y, L.P.28, Recovery and Stop at a Winner.