Tag Archives: requirements

How to Claim Your Casino Bonus

The connotations attached to the word bonus, often bring about a shadow of mistrust. Many raise their eye-brows, or shake their heads, a pointed finger outstretched and wagging, openly defiant to the notion of a free reward, free money. However, the casino bonus is a concept of credible legitimacy.

But, what do I have to do, you may ask, how much do I need to pay?

There’s no need for any averseness or disinclination when embracing the concept of a bonus and claiming your own. For a casino bonus is merely additional money paid to you as incentive for making certain bets and playing casino games on certain sites. And wasn’t engaging in these games and making bets your original intent, in the first place? It is merely a credit paid to you for playing the games you love.

Many casinos offer bonuses to potential players before they even set virtual footstep inside that casino. There are sign-up bonuses where just by being a new gamer, you get a reward. There are bonuses awarded for continuing to play at a certain casino or the individual games it has on offer. There are even referral bonuses, where you get rewarded for telling a friend and getting them to sign-up, too.

Claiming a Bonus

There are, however, certain protocols to claiming a bonus that is owed to you.

Firstly, any notion of a bonus automatically appearing in your account should be banished straight off the bat. A bonus is an incentive to you for picking that casino, or playing that game, or making a bet over a certain amount for another. A bonus may even be paid for playing a certain game for a predetermined length of time, and even for a particular number of hands, in games like poker or blackjack. Only once you have fulfilled one of these requirements, will a bonus be granted. And then, that money is yours. You may cash it out or continue to bet, the choice is yours.

Another protocol that may be implemented by any given casino involves the initial starting deposit. Sometimes the bonus will be tied in to your starting deposit and to claim that bonus, you may have to bet a certain percentage of your deposit. The amount differs with each casino and so will the bonus amount.

The reason for these protocols are that any respectable casino is willing to offer you incentive for choosing that casino and playing its games, however, they cannot risk the involvement of certain unscrupulous players who may seek to exploit the sacred concept of the bonus by joining, and withdrawing as soon as they’ve received theirs. Therefore, a system of wager and reward has been implemented. Any player that fits the requirements and procedures above receives a bonus, no questions asked.

So quash that doubt, smother that hesitation, lower those eyebrows and stop wagging that finger. A Casino Bonus is a veritable concept. Sure, you may have to meet certain requirements to receive one, but those requirements are tied in to the overall experience of the online game, and joined to procedures you would have engaged in anyway. With a bonus, however, the chances of reward are so much greater.

Online Gambling Websites- Unleash The Fun And Challenges En Route

Internet has become a mainstay of every economy and the advantages of being associated with it have been so profuse that almost every business, commerce, and industry has opted for an online presence. The gambling industry is not far behind to join the online bandwagon, and the result has been the mushrooming of best online casinos and gambling sites all over the web, revolutionizing the gambling industry totally.

Now we will go through the details of what an online gambling website actually does. It is a virtual location on the web where you can gamble and play games for money and fun. Many websites have rapidly proliferated, but you need to choose the best as it’s your money what is at the stake.

One of the best onling gambling site is brought to you by casinator. Without doubt it is confirmed that they are one of the best names in the online gambling industry and do a critical review of best online gambling sites with real security, credibility, privacy, integrity and of course some fantastic customer support. They get you the best online gambling sites out there and with them you never miss on great gambling bonuses and promotions.

Every normal human being is concerned about the security of their hard earned money. Even many of the online gambling sites recommended and reviewed by Casinator.com are audited on regular basis by established and trusted audit companies like Pricewaterhouse Coopers Inc. or iTech Labs and hence, you can be almost 100% sure that your money while gambling online is safe and secure.

Although, most online casinos are reputable and subject to regular audits, yet it is very important to choose one of the best online casinos. in order to choose the best, consider the one that meet both general and personal requirements. Good support, excellent gaming software and regularly audited financial figures, few terms and conditions which are transparentand quick deposits and withdrawals are all what you can say as general requirements of a good online casino. On the other hand, the personal requirements includes purpose (gambling for fun, bonus hunters, loyal gamblers, etc), specific casino games preference (general, blackjack, craps, baccarat slots, etc.), and the game limit preference (lower stakes, high stakes). Always take the right selection of the one which suits your personal and comprehensive needs.

The online poker games are the most popular games and the online poker has developed into one of the fastest growing industries as well over the past few years. It has become one of the most sought after form of entertainment and source of income. You can find at least over a hundred poker sites which are available online and the number keeps increasing daily. Free real money is online and many million players are playing daily to grab a part of that.

Though there are still many games like Omaha, 5 Card and Stud which are popular but Texas Holdem poker is the most popular of them all. The safety, security and reputability of online poker sites have also improved so as to ensure that you play poker online without any hassles.