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The Myths of Roulette Play

The game of roulette has gained popularity almost from the very beginning of its existence. Unlike other popular casino games we know and love today, tracking roulette’s exact history is quite easy. The first form of roulette was developed in France somewhere in the 18th century. In 1842, the first “0” was added to the roulette wheel in order to create a house advantage. In the early 19th century, the game was introduced in the United Sates and another zero was added.

Over the years, roulette lovers have created a handful of fascinating myths regarding the game. Here, we have listed the most common ones:

Roulette wheel spins are not random Some gamers believe that the history of past spins has strong impact on the outcome of the next spin. For instance, after a string of 10 red slots hits, on the eleventh time, the roulette ball will definitely fall into a black slot. Unfortunately, such an assumption is completely baseless. Every spin of the roulette wheel is an independent event. This makes trying to predict future spins based on the past ones an irrelevant occupation.

Additionally, some players rely on ‘dormant numbers.’ The term refers to numbers that have not appeared for a long period of time. Somehow, these players believe that these numbers are to be hit in the nearest future. However, there is no logic behind such thinking.

Math can beat roulette Beating the roulette wheel with a mathematical calculation is also impossible. To be truly successful, such a calculation must rely on past experience. But, since there is no history to rely on (as we have already mentioned in our discussion of the previous roulette myth), these calculations are entirely worthless. Unlike the game of poker where skill is required and experienced players are more likely to win, roulette is a game of pure chance. Thus far, a winning formula has not yet been invented.

Smart money management helps winning While smart money management is of great help in a game like poker, it simply does not work when it comes to roulette. The house’s advantage is guaranteed and, no matter how a player manages his money, he can never strip the house of this advantage or reduce it in any way. This means that no money management systems can ever prove to be useful.

Biased wheels do exist Although mentioned last on this list of popular roulette myths, this myth is the most common one. Some roulette lovers never rest on their search for what is called a ‘biased wheel,’ which is a wheel with some mechanical defect. This flaw is believed to give players an edge because the ball is expected to fall into a certain sector, whether red or black, more frequently than it should randomly.

These myths make quite a lot of sense when trying to figure out why people create them in the first place. Since there is no way to influence the game, roulette enthusiasts are desperate to invent something that could provide them with at least some control over the game. This is, unfortunately, impossible.

Understanding Betting Soccer Odds

Soccer betting has overtaken horse race betting in the UK as the primary source of income for bookmakers. Today, football has become well-loved by most people that not only bookmakers are making money out of it. Even regular soccer fanatics make their game-watching a lucrative experience by engaging on bets.

However, not all bets can come as lucky as you expect it to be. Bets always come in a win or lose situation, depending on where and how you place your wagers. Therefore, understanding betting soccer odds is a must before you engage in betting. If you are an amateur, understanding betting soccer odds is greatly essential to ensure not luck but skills in your betting endeavors.

Understanding betting soccer odds can become a great ordeal if you are not a seasoned football fanatic. One must love football first before understanding betting soccer odds. The rules of the game, the team, the players, and everything else that involves football in it are essential things that you should know before understanding betting soccer odds.

While much of the percentage in understanding betting soccer odds goes to skills, luck can also account to the likelihood of winning. There are rainy days in betting which you should take as part of understanding betting soccer odds. At times you can be winners and losers too. Understanding betting soccer odds means considering losing as a part of every game. All you can do is lessen the risks of failing so you can have higher chances of a winning wager.

The Team To Choose

Part of understanding betting soccer odds would be choosing which team to bet upon. Of course, your highest bids can go to the bigger and better teams in football. But because there are always two in a match, you have to rely on several factors first before choosing a team.

Understanding betting soccer odds means looking over the team’s profile. Recent injuries from the best football players could be a cue. Successive winners also make a good choice. Although factors are important, understanding betting soccer odds through hunches may serve you luck as well. It is important to keep in mind that understanding betting soccer odds is not only about factual aspects but can rely on intuitions as well.

The Type Of Bet

Understanding betting soccer odds means knowing which type of bet to invest your money to. Since there are several selections in every game, you have to choose which type of bet could provide the leverage you need.

Understanding betting soccer odds also depends on the bookmaker. You have to find credible bookmakers so you lessen the risks of losing money. Betting online or offline can also take part in understanding betting soccer odds. Most of the choices rely on you and your expertise in the betting field.

Skills And Luck

Skills matter in understanding betting soccer odds. Of course, you have higher chances of winning if you know where and how to wager your money. Luck may also be a factor in understanding betting soccer odds. If you do not feel like you’re going to win, you can let a game pass and bet next time. But if you have this gut feeling of winning, you can carefully place your bets and wait for your fluky chance.