Tag Archives: reality

Video Games – Training Tools for the Military

Imagine if part of your job training requirement included playing video games? Sound like fun? For young military recruits already experienced in gaming long before their high school graduation, this is a pleasant reality.

Playing video games isn’t just for fun anymore. The military has found that not only are they useful training tools, but also serve as effective recruiting tools as well. For many young men the prospect of going to work and playing cool war-themed videos must be a dream come true.

The soldiers being trained today are the children of the digital age. These are the kids who grew up playing Game Boy. This form of military training is not new. Flight simulators had been used back in the 1940’s to train potential pilots. The advanced technology of the games today has given the training a more realistic view of what war may be like. The Army even has a training and doctrine command project office for gaming known as TRADOC. They add some video game thrills and excitement to their simulations to appeal to the 19 and 20-year-olds that are serving and already hooked on playing when off duty. People who develop video games are hired by the Army to create games geared for military training purposes. This type of training is believed to improve and enhance hand-eye coordination.

Soldiers are well-known for playing video games during their downtime. It is one of their most favored leisure activities. Some are downright addicted to it. One of the favorites was a best-selling first-person shooter game called Halo 2. Although live training on the field is essential, the military believes that electronic simulations are also necessary. Some soldiers reported that during combat they felt like they were actually playing one of their popular video games. The line between reality and fantasy sometimes became distorted. There are soldiers who found that playing games like Halo and Call of Duty enabled them to execute in real combat situations.

Weapons used in these games are virtual replicas of those used by the soldiers in Iraq. Since soldiers today are far more knowledgeable about weaponry than their predecessors, they are easier to train. This is due to the fact that they’ve grown up with first-person shooter games long before joining the military. Being able to shoot and blow up people, objects, monsters, etc., in the virtual reality world of video games, helps soldiers of this generation feel less inhibited when pointing their real weapons at real enemies.

The goal of the soldier in war and while playing video games is the same: kill the other person and survive. Obviously real war is definitely not the same experience encountered in the virtual reality world. Video games cannot prepare soldiers for the horrors of battle and the deaths of innocent people. It may help them become better shooters, but the emotional trauma may be harder to deal with and walk away from. Games are fun because they’re not real. In war, soldiers can’t just press the restart button and start a new game.

Top Secret Lottery Tips – How to Win Lotto

You want to win the lottery? So does everyone else. However a problem is that most of the people who want to win the lottery don’t study the lottery. Now then, who likes to study? Nobody. No one has fun doing it. I hate the word study. I think we’re in the same boat. Probably the teachers out there don t even like the word study.

But the reality of the matter is that if you wish to succeed, or at minimum see some improvement in your lottery results, you have to study the lottery. Now, you don t have to be a mathematician or get a phd in Harvard but need to do simple average-Joe research to get an understanding of which numbers are most likely to strike gold.

Initially, this may sound complex but after using the tested methods to understand the lottery, you will frequently pick the numbers which to win compared to other numbers that are most likely not going to hit.

How do you know which numbers to pick to win the lottery? That’s a good question. And its a good question which a gigantic number of lottery players do not study.

Just the fact that you’re reading this implies that you are happily going to do what is required to help yourself to get better results in the raffle. So please let me show to you the most important and effective method for picking your lottery numbers.

The normal person thinks that the lottery is always random. Now its a fact that the raffle numbers are selected at random but what I am saying is that a lot of people think that the numbers that will probably be chosen in upcoming draws will only be the ones that have not been striking gold in the past.

Essentially, most people are under the impression that they have got to choose numbers that were hardly chosen previously.

But the lottery know-it-alls and many other mathematicians have seen that the reality of what really happens is different (and even opposite) of what most players think about the sweepstakes.

For one example, you will win more money if you select lotto numbers that have been striking gold more often then others previously. For example, if you look at those which won previously, you will realise that certain numbers are more frequent then others.

Numbers called frequently are known as hot numbers. Cold numbers on the other hand are the least frequent winners. Many people concentrate on choosing the cold numbers and there’s nothing wrong with that because there is some research that cold numbers do sometimes hit on a regular basis.

But one of the most interesting facts about the lotto is that instead of selecting cold numbers, if you intelligently pick hot numbers, you will have more success than just choosing the cold numbers alone. I don’t know the nitty-gritty behind this. But the lottery results of the past (worldwide) have proven and been tested to show that choosing hot numbers is a very effective way to pick your lotto numbers.

So the next time you pick your lottery numbers, make sure to choose the hot numbers more than purchasing the cold numbers. If you do this simple technique, you will have much better results in the lottery than the average Joe and the average Jane. Now get out there and begin selecting the hot numbers starting today.