Tag Archives: reading

Review Of Lethal Sit N Go Tactics

Earlier today while surfing the internet, I stumbled across a pretty cool site that I wanted to share with fellow poker players. The site is called Project SNG, and it is an online poker player offering supposed “secret sit and go tactics” to his customers. Now, when I saw this I chuckled, because I have been to countless sites just like this one: a long sales page, huge promises, and most importantly, no results for me at the various sit and go tournaments that I have entered..

However, after reading through the site a little, I was almost reconsidering. I took advantage of Wesley’s free preview of the sit and go tactics that he offered. After reading a free chapter, I completely changed my mind about this sit and go site. The free preview gives you a chapter of the book, plus lets you view the full table of contents so you know exactly what you are getting when you purchase.

The chapter I read was about Pushbot/M Strategy, which is something I have heard a little about, but I am not really educated on the subject. I am not going to get into the details here, but after reading that chapter about a tactic to use at sit and go tournaments, which Wesley provided for free, I do not see myself bubbling many more sit and go tournaments in the future. The pushbot strategy practically takes your hand and walks you through the late stages of the tournament, when your preflop decisions are the hardest.

Also, when I viewed the full table of contents, also included in my preview, I saw a lot more that the product has to offer. Besides the basic things, like Bankroll Management and Sit and Go Structure, it got into really advanced topics like the ICM Concept as well as exactly how to play in the early, middle, and late stages.

One other cool thing about this sit and go product was that it comes with a Starting Hand Chart, which is a visual guide of your preflop play. All you have to do is determine your position at the table, the moves made before you, and the stage of the tournament, and it will show you the exact move to make depending on your hand. This is a great tool for beginner sit and go players who want to know what moves to make preflop, because it is the most important decision you make during the hand.

Now I’m sure you are sick of hearing me go on and on about how much I liked this product, so I will just let you check it out yourself.

The site is www.ProjectSNG.com, and as long as you go to the site today you will get the special introductory price of $67. Make sure to hurry up though, because the site says that the introductory price will be going up to $97 after the initial launch.