Tag Archives: proven

#1 Best Lottery Blog – Best Lotto Blog

Almost everyone wants to win the lottery. They play the lottery but they don’t study how to win the lottery. Before I teach you a proven strategy to win the lottery, let me first tell you two systems of thinking that does not work.

First of all, some people believe that you can have spells to win the lottery. Now, I don’t know about you but I’ve met these people and these people don’t seem to win the lottery. Look at psychics. They are not winning the lottery even though they may try spells to win the lotto. It just doesn’t work.

Another method that doesn’t work is using your birthday numbers. Using your birthdays numbers to win the lottery is a myth. You know why? It’s because the range for the birthday numbers will only be from 1 to 31.

Using birthday numbers will completely prevent you from using other numbers (32 and above) which can have a great chance of hitting in the big lottery.

So those are the two methods most people use that do not work in the real world.

And now, let me share with you one technique that has been proven to work in the lottery games. I know this because I have personally sold tens of thousands of dollars in the lottery games on a monthly basis as a lottery retailer. I see what works and what doesn’t.

In addition, many lottery systems have backed up my research as well. The research is that certain numbers turn out to hit more often than other numbers. This is what I call the “frequency theory”.

Let me explain what the frequency theory means. It means that you should play the numbers that have been hitting the most often in the most recent drawings.

Now, this may sound like contradictory to your average way of thinking. Most average lottery players think that they should play the numbers that haven’t hit for a long time. And this may seem like the common sense approach.

But history has repeatedly shown that you will have better success picking numbers that have been the most frequent rather than the least frequent. That’s what I call following the frequency theory. In short, you want to play the frequent numbers (also known as the cold numbers). This will bring you success in the long run.

So from now on, forget about those old myths and old approaches about how to win the lottery. Those old common myths do not work. Instead, use a lottery system and lotto strategy that has been proven and tested with real results. The first step for you is to start looking for the most frequent numbers and implement them into your own lottery numbers.

How to Win At Casino Gambling Using "The Law of Attraction"

The concept of metaphysics in casino play is not a new one. Those who truly understand it can reap huge benefits while those who ignore it can sometimes be subject to mere “chance”. In this lesson, we’ll discuss a few key concepts that you can try for yourself. Interestingly enough, though some of these concepts may seem a bit esoteric, they’re quite practical in ways that might really surprise you. The “Law of Attraction” is considered a basic, viable universal law that has proven itself, consistently, with those who practice it. The law states: that which you focus on, will manifest itself in your reality. Now, many people believe in this concept in a superficial way (“Sure – you get what you wish for, or are afraid of.”). But only a small percentage of those people can turn that law into an everyday pathway to successful endeavors. In this lesson, we’re going to take a look at how the law pertains to Casino Gaming. Trust me – this isn’t just “positive thinking”. It’s the practical application of a proven, acknowledged universal concept. Ready? Let’s begin.

Difficulty: Moderately Easy

Items Needed: The willingness to look at things in a positive new light.

Step 1:

The Jackpot Jar

The first thing that you need to consider, when accessing energy, in order to aid you at the casino, is the role of “positive” vs. “negative”. One type of energy will help you and the other will hinder your efforts. Needless to say, playing with money that you can’t afford to lose (bill or rent money) is an immediate source of stress which creates negative energy. Never do this! Your fear of losing needed funds will draw that exact probability directly to you.

A cool way to begin creating your own reality is by starting a “Jackpot Jar”. Carefully (and with no outside distractions) create a jar with large colorful letters (blues and greens are best – avoid red) that say “JACKPOT” on its’ side. The word “JACKPOT” will serve as a subliminal positive message that the money inside is intended for “jackpots”. Now place your jar in a convenient location and throw in your extra change along with a few dollars every week – until you have the desired funds in which to bring to the casino. You have now taken the first step towards a positively energized, focused casino experience.