Tag Archives: profitable

What Makes A Good Betting System

If you could discover a constant and profitable betting method that would run constantly forever, surely that would be a licence to print money – Right?

In my view, thriving betting systems like that simply don’t exist. Why? – Because there are merely so many things constantly changing all of the time, plus many things completely out of our control.

Take football betting as an illustration: player’s vary – manager’s change – teams get promoted etc, and so on. The goal posts are constantly moving and changing all of the time – it merely doesn’t make logic to expect every method used for gambling to remain being profitable for years to come devoid of a little tuning and adjustment from time to time.

A betting method that produces the qualifying bets is simply a series of rules to go along with. Therefore, every logic used is simply as sound as the rationale behind the selection process – that’s why I believe in exploiting each and every workable twist to the fullest amount, when it really comes down to using and updating every technique to its absolute greatest capability. The final outcome produces a fully optimised betting method with a solitary target in mind – better overall profits in support of all its users.

What’s vital? First of all, every method used in favor of betting must adopt a highly profitable and unique method. All system qualifiers must maintain a proven long-term track history of profitability and preceding results, but more specifically all current trends must be meticulously monitored as well, creating the ultimate profitable advantage for you to fully exploit.

The betting method used must have been stringently tested, spanning several years of accurate results, using database and spreadsheet analysis to identify simply the very top highly profitable trends – this study is ongoing.

The conundrum with the majority of betting systems is that they quite simply don’t control sufficient data to apply the regular and disciplined analysis necessary. Furthermore, all data needs to be accurate and applied in excess of many years of results and study.

Long period accurate and dependable data will repeatedly create the opportunity to evaluate an exceptionally large variety of diverse scenarios whilst applying stability and control right through the analysis. All of these factors will result in a much better method used for betting that ought to provide you with the level of profits necessary.

I look at it this way – each single year that passes an additional group of highly accurate results are produced. This has the knock-on effect of making the overall method that much better. Analysing 10 years results will be more accurate than analysing 9 years, 15 years more accurate than 10, and so on. Therefore, each single year that passes the method must be converted into that much better optimised for profit.

I believe that there is no such occurrence as a perfect betting method, or a method of betting that will keep on to run forever whilst remaining highly profitable. Human intervention is vital from time to time, to correct and fine-tune the selection process. Thereby, making unquestionably certain that the rules of the method are based specifically on current trends, collectively with complete analysis of proven long-term results – in my view this is the single route to sustaining profitability whilst using every betting method.

-Lawrence Taylor-

Tips to place Horse Bets

On 1 hand, winning on horse bets is certainly lucrative monetarily but on the other hand, becoming in a position to determine which from the horses to put the wager on is entirely a different game. You will find several books to guide you with their statistics and proven ways for profitable horse bets but they only work for a handful of people. Actually, as a newbie you will probably be lost in the plethora of info you have entry to, which is a reason more to leave you confused.

Here are some commonsensical and practical tips to comply with when placing horse-bets:

1. Play safe within the starting. Location your wager around the equine who has been winning consecutively in the last 6 to 8 weeks because the equine is within the top situation in terms of stamina and health. It’s an unwise decision to place horse bets when the time lapse between current race and final race taking location will probably be more than 8 weeks away.

2. Attempt to create prudent horse bets. You should not look at the condition and winning file of the equine but also see the file of the jockey riding the horse. Therefore, it’s secure to place a bet on that equine whose jockey has more than 3% profitable file in 1 year.

three. A jockey who has experience in overcoming obstacle races instead of flat rushing are more dependable for horse bets because an obstacle race experienced jockey has comparatively much more caliber to handle fast horses.

4. Look on the situation of the racing track. If you find the monitor to be slow or heavy then it’s secure to put horse bets on that equine that takes the lead within the beginning otherwise, the other slow starters have lesser probabilities of catching up with the lead horse and gain the game.

5. Look on the horses on which other people are putting wagers. This isn’t to undermine your judgment or copy what others are doing but it has been seen that horses who are backed inside a few minutes of commencement of the race by a number of high horse-bets quantity generally shows that they have favorable information about that particular equine which no one else is aware of.

Thus, you see that putting horse bets is not an simple task. You have to do your personal research and evaluate a number of conditions prior to placing the bets around the horses. Follow the simple steps as discussed and increase your chances of winning the bet.