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Some Different Types Of Online Bingo To Play

Out of all the popular online games being played today, online bingo may be the most interesting as well as the easiest to play. It suits beginners and pros equally well. When you play online bingo, you have to take quick decisions and instant moves, and this adds to the excitement of the game. Different types of online bingo games are played, and a person new to the scene may well feel confused by them. Below, we have given descriptions of different types of online bingo games, along with some tips.

The easiest bingo variant is Cover All. In this type of online bingo game all that is required of you to win is to be the first player to get all the numbers marked in your card. For a Cover All bingo game, purchasing one ticket is as good as purchasing two or more, since there is no way you can determine which numbers will get called out first.

Compared to the other types of online bingo games, the jackpot is usually higher in a Cover All game. But the catch here is that all numbers in your card have to get marked before the forty first number is drawn; the jackpot prize is greatly reduced after this.

Another version of online bingo is Regular, which you can win in three ways, which is to have your numbers marked in a horizontal, a vertical or in a diagonal row. Numbers marked in any of these three directions will win you the jackpot prize. In the regular version, the cash prize is normally smaller because of the multiple ways you can win it.

If you play Four Corners, opt for purchasing a lot more online bingo tickets, because only four numbers, 01, 05, B1 and B5 will count, and nothing else will matter.

There is the Diamond wining format used in two types of online bingo; one uses a ‘clearer’ diamond, meaning the 12, 14, B3, N1, N5 and 03 numbers while the other uses just four numbers, mainly those in N1, N5, B3 and 03.

In Winner’s Circle, all numbers in B & O and the first as well as last numbers in I, N, G rows are the ones that matter in this bingo version.

In the cross format, all numbers in row N and those appearing in 13, B3, G3 and 03 are the ones that matter. You will notice that these numbers make up a cross.

Syndicated Bingo

For the past few years bingo prize jackpots have been increasing quite dramatically, not only in the land based bingo clubs, but also for online bingo. This has caused a new kind of evolutionary process for bingo players, the bingo syndicate. This is much like a lottery syndicate, where a couple of friends, or a group get together, pool their financial resources and share any prize money. Syndication is thought to offer players better odds of winning and in many instances it does. It is not a difficult concept to understand, if four players join their resources, they can afford more cards and many cards may be marked by many hands.

Bingo syndication does not only apply to the land based game of bingo, online players also make use of it. Although the prize is split between the number of syndicated players, it is still better than not winning at all, and this type of scheme appeals to many bingo players.

Bingo syndicate can be ongoing or established for just one game or session. There is no legal process that has to be adhered to; it is simply a verbal or written agreement between participants. One thing that is essential is a clear set of rules must be established before bingo players’ act as a syndicate.

Playing in a syndicate encourages the social aspect of bingo, as players are genuinely keen for their fellow members to win. They will all benefit, regardless of who wins.

Trust is a very important factor when playing syndicated bingo. There have been quite a few instances when one person has won and their friends or family have believed themselves to be part of a syndicate, only to have the winner try to keep all the winnings to themselves. This has led to a number of court cases, and these court cases don’t seem to have set any legal precedent. Every judge has ruled as he sees fit, some win, some lose, but what does happen is families and friendships fall apart and this is not something that anyone wants to happen.

When forming a bingo syndicate, it would probably be wise for everyone to agree to something in writing. This will preclude any misunderstandings in the event of a win and save a great deal of trouble for all members of the syndicate. Although generally speaking, most bingo players are willing to share.