Tag Archives: prize money

Introduction to Blackjack (Page 1 of 2)

Blackjack is one of the most popular casino games for those who want the thrill of luck and passion of skills. This game involves same basic skills and strategies. It requires a bit of homework, pragmatic thinking, and strategic planning. At the same time, one cannot do away with the luck playing havoc even when the prize money is just around the corner.

Playing with the Dealer

Blackjack is a card game that is played between a dealer and a set of 1to-17 players. The game starts with a player placing his bet and receiving two cards from the dealer. To win this game, players need to acquire cards where the total value is more than that of the dealer. However, one should not cross the limit of “21”.

Competing with the House Edge

There are other rules as well which depends on the state legislation and also on the individual casinos. These rules mark the total house edge or casino advantage. Although, house edge can be anything between 1-5 percent, a player can reduce this to just 1 percent if he uses the best tricks and strategies.

The winning trick is when players bet at the opportune moment with the best cards at hand. So, anyone who is vying to make it big in Blackjack needs to know the rules, betting techniques, strategies. Some create charts while others keep a notebook to learn the entire list.

Online Blackjack

Today, with the rise in the Internet, Blackjack is no longer restricted to brick-n-mortar casinos. The lucrative game is available online with varied new features and techniques. However, online Blackjack is little different from the earlier Blackjack.

Online hubs allow you to play more than one game simultaneously. As a result, a seasoned player with a winning passion can win considerably through online means. The payment through online transaction is also hassle-free and instantaneous. Also, players don’t have to bother about the distractions and botherations of a land casino. In a nutshell, playing Blackjack online seems even more lucrative than traditional Blackjack.

But, online games are tough, extremely competitive, and require experience. It is through immense practice that one can master the odds and learn how to deal with the dealer. However, online games can also reduce players to penury. Many players go on “tilt” as they start losing the games. Depressed and emotional, they lose their credits at a fast rate.

Money Management

To avoid losing precious savings, gamblers need to have a bankroll or a dedicated account only to play casino games. This strategy holds true in Blackjack as well. Keep an amount in the bankroll only to use it for playing Blackjack. When a specified amount is allotted to the game, players are less stressed and play logically.

Playing Aggressively

In online gambling there are people who are aggressive, passive, or just casual players. One of the important tips is to play Blackjack aggressively through calculated risks. If players remain passive, it is unlikely that they would win the prize money.

Must Dos To Win the Lottery and Keep It

Imagine, after years of waiting and hundred of dollars spent on buying lottos, as you watch the lottery result one fine evening, it shows your lottery winning numbers! You know it because you have been buying the same combination for years! Yes, you have won the lottery! And the lottery prize money is USD50mil!! Now, you quickly grab your lottery ticket to double check and make sure they are really the lottery winning numbers! You ransack through your wallet, its not there. You turn your pocket inside out, its not there too! The house, drawers, carpet, pillow case…etc, the lottery ticket is not there as well! You have lost your lottery ticket! How unbelievable! Your happy and prosperous future is lost even before it begins.

If you have suffered the above or any of the lottery disaster below, you may want to read on to find out what you can do to prevent such disaster.

The first thing you should do when you buy a lottery ticket is to photocopy the ticket. But before you photocopy the lottery ticket, remember to write down your name on every ticket. While generally you will be asked to prove your name with your ID if the lottery prize money is big, you may include the words “ticket owner” beside your name.

Next, you have to eliminate the chance of missing out a winning ticket. Check your lottery numbers carefully before you leave the lottery store. Betterstill, have the lottery shop checked the ticket numbers after each game. Do not rely only on your own eyes, sometimes your eyes may deceive you. Double check and having the lottery store staff to check your tickets will reduce the chances of you missing out a lottery winning number.

In the case where you buy a lottery as a gift to your loved ones, you must ensure that the person who is receiving the lottery ticket as a gift is able to claim the lottery prize if he wins. If a lottery game requires someone to be of a certain age to be legible for the prize money, you must ensure that the person who you are giving the lottery ticket to fulfills that age condition. Consequences of failing to do so may result in much frustration and depression to the lottery winners.

If you are playing the lottery in a group or syndicate, it is best to have the agreement in writing and signed by everyone who takes part. The document should set out the material terms such as the description of the games, the contribution each makes, and how any lottery prize money should be distributed.

In conclusion, prevention is always better than cure. Prepare for the worst to prevent any frustration in the future.