Tag Archives: position

Top Ten Tips To Successful Poker Bluffing Strategy. (Page 1 of 2)

If it was not for bluffing Poker would be a very boring game. Players would simply put their bets and the best hand would always win on the strength of cards. Bluff in poker is a deception which keeps your opponents alert and when done properly bluffs can help you win more money. Whether you play poker online or live you will notice that players who know when and how to bluff are usually a lot more successful in their game than those who bluff too much or never bluff at all. Poker players who bluffs too often go broke very quickly and those who do not bluff at all not only play a very boring game but also make themselves a easy target to their opponents as they are so easy read. So to be successful in poker you need to take the middle ground approach and be prepared to be caught at times. We hope that when you bluff next time you will keep the following points of poker bluffing strategy in mind to improve your chances and hopefully pull it off.

1. How many players are you bluffing against? You can bluff successfully against one very rarely two people. Never attempt to bluff your way when there are a lot of people in the pot, chances are that you will not succeed.

2. Did you get caught bluffing? It’s a good news! Yes it cost you some money but now your opponents know that you do bluff and will be more likely to challenge you when you have a strong hand expecting it to be another bluff.

3. Never bluff a “Calling Station”. If your opponent tends to call every hand bluffing will not work with him and will cost you money. Save your bluffs for good opponents and especially for tough conservative players as they are your ideal audience.

4. Don’t bluff just for the sake of it. You don’t need to advertise your bluffing too often. Only bluff when you have reasonable grounds to believe that you a fair chance to pull it through. You will have enough advertising value as some of your bluffs will be caught and your opponents will know that you bluff anyway.

5. Try to establish a tight aggressive image at the table. Most of the time play good starting hands and fold the weaker ones. When your opponents are used to seeing you playing a tight aggressive game this is the time to strike. You will be a lot less likely to be called.

6. Imply a specific hand such as a straight of flush rather than raising just out of the blue with a hopeless hand when the board indicates no particular strong hand possibility.

7. Do not bluff when there are more cards to come. Semi-bluffing is the best strategy here as can either get your draw or your opponents might fold.

8. It is a good time to bluff if your opponents checked to the previous round. It’s even better if they checked on the flop. However if the next open card helped one of the other players your chance will diminish.

9. Keep your position in mind, it’s best to bluff from an early position rather than if your opponent checked on you. Betting or raising from the first position indicated that you really have a strong hand and your opponent would be more likely to fold a marginal hand than he would be if he checked and you bet.

Advanced Texas Holdem Tips – Advanced Position Plays

Want to learn some advanced Texas Holdem Tips? This article is going to discuss advanced positions plays and how to make the most money at the poker table.

Advanced Texas Holdem Tips For Positional Plays

Plays based on position are an important factor into any successful Texas Holdem strategy. The fact is, you can’t do the same things from a blind compared to mid positions compared to being on the button. Any strategy that gives a stock standard ‘if you get dealt this card bet this amount’ just won’t cut it for advanced play.

Realise this first most crucial point:

Money travels clockwise from the small blind right around to the button.

To explain this in other words. It is easier to make money, i.e. win pots, if you are on the button. It gets slightly hard the more you move counter-clockwise, from late positions, to mid positions, to early positions, to blind positions. So by the time you’ve gotten to early and blind positions it is much much harder to win money.

This is simply because of the fact that at each betting round the players that must bet first have a disadvantage because they haven’t seen how the other players have bet. They have no idea how the other players are doing post flop, turn, river, etc.

Likewise, the blinds have a negative expectation. This means that overall, you should expect that you will lose money when you are in the blinds. Yes, lose money. And this money should be recouped, and then some, when you are in later positions.

Some ways you can take advantage of being in a later position are:

– If everyone checks you can raise with poorer cards – You can steal blinds easily without having to deal with the unknown of who is contesting the pot – If a raise is made and everyone else folds you can choose to take a heads up – You can reraise over players to force them in or out of a pot – After the flop you can make your move depending on how you feel the other players did – You have the options of checking/calling through draws without risking being reraised – You know if you can bluff or fake a hand on a turn and guess how your opponents will react – You have all the power at a showdown

There are many more advanced Texas Holdem tips however this information should be enough to open up your mind to the possibilities of utilising a later table position to increase your poker winnings.