Tag Archives: poker tournament

Poker Tournament Strategies To Improve Your Skill

Poker tournament strategies are used to beat a specific kind of opponent at any time. It is about adjusting one´s playing style so that one´s opponents have no idea about which hand a person holds right now.

For most people poker tournament strategies are something that doesn´t seem to be necessary. Because we are talking about professional poker in this article, it should be clear that a serious player needs a strategy in order to succeed with this kind of game. The main goal of poker is to make money, beat one´s opponent and win more hands on average than other players. But it´s about losing less money as well as it is about winning the biggest and most profitable pots in any game.

If you seat down at a poker tournament and grab your Kem cards, you have to know what to do next. Once the Kem cards are dealt, you have to have a clear concept about which hand you are playing in a specific spot. At the first it is recommended to only play well decided and planned hands in a tourney. Don´t go crazy and try to plan mediocre or bad hands just because you get impatient now. You must be patient, and start observing the opponents to your left and write. The best poker tournament strategies recommended starting observing 4 opponents at a time. When does your opponent fold, when does he bet, and when does he raise on the flop or turn? That is what you need to figure out.

It is smart to fold most of your dealt Kem cards at the beginning and start paying attention to the most active player at the table. Try to figure out how he plays a strong and weak hand. If you are not in a hand, folded your cards, you have to focus on putting him on a hand every single time. If he wins pots without having to show a hand, you have to figure out what he could have. Try to concentrate on how he reacts, what he does when he folds or bets etc. These are the master skills that you need to take control of if you want to be successful with poker tournament strategies. If you are looking into your Kem cards and decide to play a hand, make sure to play it wisely.

Once you get more experienced in tournaments and are able to estimate players rather quickly you can play a wider range of hands. But as long as that is not the case you need to fold most of your hands that are weak. The next time you pick your Kem cards and want to play a hand make sure to consider all of these poker tournament strategies recommended in this article.

Playing In Badugi Poker Tournaments

Badugi poker is played with four cards that are dealt in a downward way and involves triple draw. The main objective is to acquire the lowest possible hand. If a player has two cards of the same suit then it is advisable to discard one of the cards (with the highest value) away. A four hand card has an edge over a three hand card (three badugi) or a two hand card (two badugi).

Playing badugi poker efficiently would require a player to have full control of the card rankings. At times the rules of badugi may seem a bit frustrating but with more practice a player is bound to enjoy the game.

When it comes to playing badugi poker tournaments, the best method is to play these tournaments online. The conventional casinos does not often provide for badugi tournaments. In many of the casinos, the playing of poker is replaced by slot machines thus reducing the chances of holding a badugi poker tournament to the minimal.

Playing badugi poker online has its own pros. Firstly, the poker websites offer interactive poker rooms where a player can play poker online from any part of the world and anytime he or she wishes to. Secondly, these poker rooms feature numerous tournaments daily. In these tournaments a player plays for a specific number of tokens and goes on playing till there is only one competitor left in the room.

The online poker rooms generally feature two types of tournaments. One is scheduled and the other is “sit and go”. In case of scheduled tournament, the tournament starts according to the schedule i.e. at the appointed time without even bothering the number of players that have signed up. But in case of “sit and go”, the tournament starts only after a specific number of players have registered.

An enthusiastic player can visit these poker rooms and select the type of badugi poker tournament he/she wishes to play. He/she will get detailed informations regarding the tournaments of his/her choice. After that he/she can simply register and create an account for playing the badugi tournament.

In the beginning of the badugi poker tournament, players are given a number of chips. The game continues until a player has access to all the chips available. Mainly players are more attracted to play the badugi poker tournaments because of the fact that they often provide higher stakes. In 2009, one such website dealing with badugi poker tournament assured a prize of up to $100,000. However, the rules and regulations of the tournaments are amendable and subject to change without any prior notice to the players.