Tag Archives: players name

Poker Table Etiquettes

There are certain basic poker table etiquettes that one needs to follow whether one is playing at home or in the casino. Following such rules also allow a smooth and hindrance free game.

First and foremost one should not play out of turn or jump the gun in ones excitement. Once one has folded his cards though it is tempting to talk about the game one should refrain from doing so as there may be others still in the game. One should also not show their cards even by mistake before the game is completely and finally over. Splashing the pot is another wrong thing to do. Though it seems exciting to push ones chips towards the middle of the table (as shown in movies), it is not correct .Rather one should stack the chips neatly in front of himself.

It is also incorrect to make string bets. Being rude or mean while losing a hand is not really the right thing to do. So cursing and using rude names should not be the way of expressing disgust over a lost hand. Paying attention while on the game is also important; one should keep abreast of the game. Talking on mobiles while the game is on too can be counterproductive.

Besides these there are some additional points to note for a game at Casinos. First of all in a casino one shouldn’t just walk to any vacant table and sit down. Upon entering the poker room each player needs to sign at the reception desk. One must tell the host the game he or she is interested in. If there is a vacancy he or she would be seated immediately. If all tables are full they will take the players initials and call as and when there is an opening.

Some casinos have huge boards where they write the players name or initials. When the players name is called the Poker room host ushers him to his table. In a casino it is mandatory to know what the bet is when it is the players turn. One must pay attention to amount of the bet made by the first player. Also one needs to be aware whether the bet was raised. These few basic yet not too difficult to follow rules are incorporated in poker tables each game would become a truly enjoyable experience.