Tag Archives: play poker

Online Poker Tips

So you’ve decided to learn how to play poker and one of your first thoughts is to check out some of the online poker tips which you can find, which you hope will help you to better your game.

This is all well and good, but before you go anywhere looking for online poker tips, you might first want to learn how to play poker properly. That’s right, before you can even begin to use any of the online poker tips or put them to any good use, you will first need to learn how to play poker.

This is a relatively simple operation when you are first starting out, as you will very rarely see any real action. Mostly you can be prepared to lose most of your games, if you haven’t already folded your cards beforehand.

If however, you are bound and determined to use online poker tips to help you with your game, the first thing that you should learn is that there is no shame in folding your hand on a fairly regular basis.

There is absolutely no profit in staying in a game when you know that you have a bad hand, unless you are a good bluffer. And if you only just started playing poker, this might not necessarily be your most strong feature.

That said, it also helps you to get acquainted with the game if you have more than a passing knowledge of the game. And to have this, you will need to stay in a few hands where you might just lose everything, but you can always chalk that up to a learning experience!

In fact, although they are not the ideal way in which to learn the game of poker, you will find that online poker tips can have a good outcome for many a beginning poker player, as it is at this time that you are more likely to try your best to learn all that there is about playing poker.

Online poker tips can come in handy no matter what game of poker you are playing, and you might even find that they come in handy when you are playing in real brick and mortar poker rooms as well.

Mostly though, poker playing strategies and tips are going to be the same across the board, whether they are of the variety of online poker tips or not, and it is up to you the player, to use them in a fitting manner. Once you learn to do this, and once you learn to pay a proper game of poker, you will find that poker is a fun as well as an intelligent game, over and above its gambling qualities.

Poker Training Network- Why Should You Join?

First of all, let me clarify what Poker Training Network is NOT.

PTN is NOT about gambling.
PTN is NOT about making money from playing poker.

With that said, why should you get involved with Poker Training Network? Here’s 9 compelling reasons why.

1. Rubbing Elbows with Celebrities – Jenny McCarthy, Shannon Elizabeth, and Jim Karol are all distributors of PTN. Montel Williams has become the co-owner of the company. Who better than a common household name celebrity motivational speaker to pitch for you?

2. Recruit Using Facebook Game – PTN All-in Room is currently in beta testing, soon to be released. Quite a change of pace in recruiting. Do people play games on Facebook, you ask? Zynga, the maker of Farmville, Mafia Wars and Zynga Poker, is estimated to be worth $4 billion.

3. 50% Payout – One of the benefits of information product is the generous payout rate. Any products with individual cost, packaging and shipping will shrink your commissions, and any payout larger than 50% will not be able to sustain the company.

4. Let’s Clarify “Unique” – We’ve all heard of how new and unique some opportunity is. PTN actually is unique, in fact it’s the sole MLM in a huge market as poker.

5. Instant Networking – If you play poker or know someone who does, you are instantly connected to a network of other poker players. Poker fits right into a business such as MLM where networking and relationship building are critical.

6. Learn Poker in Your Spare Time – You get to learn poker and improve your game in your spare time and still be working on your business.

7. Watch Poker in Your Spare Time – You get to watch poker on TV to study your business.

8. Play Poker in Your Spare Time – You get to play poker and network and build your business.

9. Laughter is the Best Medicine – In poker, you socialize and have fun. Laughing is the simplest and easiest therapy that does not cost anything, require any products or equipment. After all, you work hard so you can have fun. Why not have fun working?

The sooner you start, the more of this huge market you’ll get to have. To learn more about Poker Training Network, continue reading below.