Tag Archives: play money games

Playing Money Games

If you don’t want to put your money into risk, you can play mock games on internet called play money games. You opponents from anywhere won’t be in the room with you but they will be looking for a game. Now due to advancement of technology, mobile poker games can be played from anywhere. You might hear a voice asking for your blind or your cards can be snatched away by invisible hands. Internet poker games are so well designed that they look like real poker games using sight and sound effects. You can see yourself sitting on virtual tables with other players. When you play online poker, the name of the player and the amount to play with is displayed above or below your virtual representative. There are colored cards, player costumes, tables and chips giving the environment of real poker. There is an invisible dealer who announces the bets, raises and declares the winning hands. You can also hear the sound of cards shuffle and dealt. You can also communicate with other player by using chat window. You can check, bet, raise by clicking choices displayed on the screen by using your mouse. Playing money poker is not a real poker but you can practice and polish your skills to play these games. You can learn how to evaluate hands, read hands, fold, bet, call, raise and re raise. You can also figure out the odds of pot.

There are some limitations while playing online poker games. For example you are not able to watch tells. Similarly you can’t see the fear in the eyes of your opponents. You won’t be able to implement some tricky strategies. These online poker games are slower then live games. Most of the time, players are busy in doing other things while playing online poker games and their attention is diverted. They do not completely focus on the game and raise, bet and call on their own will. Similarly some players might have problem with their slow computers and internet service providers. You can’t win the pot without struggling. You can also find play money games in many sites like Omaha, Texas Holdem and Seven-Card Stud. You can also find variety of tournaments. Game menus change with the changing trend. You play with people having limited experience and they are like you to learn the game.

Sometimes you play to improve your game whereas many players play it just fun and they don’t even know what they are actually doing. Play as you are playing in real cash games. Assume that your cash is on risk, keep records of important things and determine your break even point. When you play a game with real stakes, you face many things which you have already faced in cyberspace games. You would know the things and you would act accordingly. It is better for you to keep your discipline in play money games as well as these games give you a chance to learn and experience more about the poker.