Tag Archives: play backgammon

Backgammon rules

To learn online Backgammon is as simple as to learn how to play Backgammon offline. Players should keep in mind that Backgammon is a race game played between two players who are trying to bear off all of their checkers before the opponent can achieve the same goal. You also need to know that the advancement of the checkers depends upon the roll of the dice and by your analytical skill and experience. For instance, a roll of 2 and 6 will indicate how many moves you can place the checkers, but it is up to your skill and assessment to make the best advancement possible out of that dice throw. This being said let us get started by explaining the proper Backgammon set up of checkers at the beginning of each game.

According to the standard Backgammon rules, two checkers should be placed on the 24 point, five on the 13 point, three on the 8 point, and another five on the 6 point. There are different variations of Backgammon board games like Acey-deucey were the placement of the checkers will vary according to the specific rules of each Backgammon variant, but these lineaments prove irrelevant in a standard Backgammon game which is what it is normally played online.

After positioning the checkers on their respective places, an opening throw of dice must take place in order to play Backgammon. This first roll will be carried by both players with only one of their dice; the player with the higher roll is the player who should make use of the combine opening roll to begin the game. If both players roll the same number, an extra throw must take place until the tie is broken. After this point, each player will play alternatively moving his/her pieces in counter-clock-wise motion towards his/her home-board. A checker can be placed on a point only if that point is available, meaning, only if one of the opponent’s checkers stands on it or if it is completely empty.

If one checker stands alone on a point, it can be hit by the opponent and be sent to the bar. To enter the board, a hit checker must be placed on an available point in the home-board of the opponent in accordance to the indication of the roll, otherwise, it must remain on the bar and no further advancements could be made by the player. All points occupied by more than one checker can be skipped if the dice do not indicate it as one of the destination points. Once all checkers are in the home-board, they will be borne off according to the dictates of the dice.

To deepen your knowledge on this subject or on any other theme related to this field such as Backgammon Gambling, direct yourself to the Internet where an infinite array of resources and Backgammon news are provided by the Backgammon community to assist you at every stage.

Online Backgammon the best new craze

Backgammon is the most exciting, ancient game in the history of mankind that is still actively being played today. With the dawn of the Internet era, and the beginning of online Backgammon gaming, the popular board game has reached almost epidemic proportions all over the world. The phenomenon is understandable to anyone who has played Backgammon online. Gaming software providers present to the public a safe, exciting, reliable and up to date platform in which to entertain themselves solo or in the company of their Backgammon piers.

Whereas online Backgammon rules have remain the same as those implemented in live circumstances, internet Backgammon facilities, services and convenience have greatly out grown its offline predecessor thanks to the nature of cyberspace making possible for any player to play the game from anywhere in the world, at any time, for fun or for real money as long as an electronic devise with option to connecting to the internet (i.e. a handheld electronic devise, computer, mobile, etc) is available to the player. Also, the opportunities for connecting to other members of the Backgammon community, local or worldwide, and to access information about the game and the international circuit have developed significantly with the solidification and growth of the online Backgammon industry and community.

This way, online Backgammon has become one of the most rewarding gaming experiences of today’s cyber-world; and real money online Backgammon, together with poker, the best gambling option around. Many are the sites and brands providing free Backgammon software along with amazing complimentary services like multilingual playing and support options, bonuses, a vast array of tables and tournament types, updated information about relevant events, chat options, and 24/7 online costumer service. To go even further, the online Backgammon industry has made a point out of guaranteeing the public that in order to play Backgammon online the only thing they have to have is an internet connection. Once this only one requirement is fulfilled, easy to follow instructions and up dates will automatically pop up on the players’ screen to guide them effortlessly through the pertinent technological processes or practical knowledge necessary to play the most fabulous game in the world online.

Come join us online and play a Backgammon game or two, you will immediately be enchanted by the possibilities of this titan of board games and will realize within minutes that this is indeed the most fantastic way of entertaining yourself while still intelligently exercising your mind and connecting with people from all over the world. The best part is that you will not have to spend a penny to play Backgammon on this platform because the software and services are for free! And at the reach of your hands! The only money you would have to take out of your pocket is the one you wish to gamble, if so, but that is entirely up to you.