Tag Archives: place

What Percentage Of Races Does The Favorite Horse Win?

As a general rule, the favorite will win about 1/3 of the time, but what is amazing is how often the favorite will place, especially when less than half of the field is 5-1 or lower. In this case a favorite will place almost 100% of the time.

In order to win a horse race, you might want to predict the winner by using statistical calculations instead. In a race with 20 runners you have a 1 in 20 chance of picking the winner. However, let us say that the race has just six runners, then you have a 1 in 6 chance of winning. Thus, you can see that the fewer the runners there are, the better your chances of winning. Therefore, it is statistically speaking, a bad race to bet on. The key point: is stay away from horse races where there are lots of runners!

In a race with only six horses running, you have a 1 in 6 chance of picking a winner. However, bookmakers/tracks usually only offer poor odds if you bet place or show on such a horse. Of course, if you placed a win bet and the horse does win, then you will come away with lots of money. You really need odds of at least 4/1 to win anything if the horse that you bet on places second or third. Of course, this is providing that you placed a place or show bet. If the odds are less than 4/1, then I suggest passing such a horse race.

In my opinion, the secret of winning on the horses is to look at the statistics. I suggest that you choose horse races with nine runners and 1/4 odds on the first three, or six runners with 1/4 odds on the first two. Thus, I suggest that you limit yourself to horse races with either 6 or 9 horses running to have the best chance of winning.

Thus, the question asked is if you should bet on the horse most likely to win? Sometimes the answer to this is “no”. Often the odds on the horse most likely to win is poor. Remember, when you use this system, you are making your predictions on the odds. Thus, place your bet around 20 minutes to race time.

If the horses just below the favorite have better odds, such as 4/1, 5/1 or better; then place your bet on those horses. Remember, that your horse only has to come in the first three in a six or nine horse race for you to come away with a profit. And do not forget, the horse still has a chance of winning too. For this reason, I do not always place my money on the horse that is predicted to win. Look at the odds being offered and if they are better on the second or third horse, then go for it.

As one can see, it often is better to bet on a horse you think is going to place. The reason being that the odds are often better than the favorite winning the race.

Why does the horse predicted to place actually wins so many races? Maybe because the favorite usually only wins 1 in 3 races. In 2 out of 3 races some other horse wins.

Online betting

Online betting has been rapidly gaining ground over the years. The reason why it is so popular is simply because it is convenient. You can sit at home in front of the PC, have a cup of coffee and start betting. Setting up an account is very easy and you can place the betting odds anytime you want and from anywhere you want. Sports’ betting is real fun. Usually people bet for the teams they are supporting and against the teams they are not. But like everything else, online betting is also a game of chance. You can win if you place the right bet or even lose in case you don’t. So there is a possibility of losing that you have to always consider. Hence, it is important to do your lessons on sports betting before you place the bet.

To get a hang of how online sports betting works, it is essential to know about the basic concept of sports betting. The concept is really not that difficult to understand. Once you get a hang of it, you can become quite an expert and win some really good bets. All you have to do is predict which teams or animals, in case of sports involving use of animals like horse racing, is most likely to win at the game. Then you need to wager a fixed amount of money on that team or animal. Other people will too place their own wagers on the team they think will win. These wagers might be the same as the one you have placed or they might be placed on other teams. In the case of your team winning the game, you will win all the money that the others had wrongly wagered or vice versa.

Sports’ betting has become very popular and widespread these days. In fact, it has given rise to another popular business and that is, bookmaking. Bookmaking helps in bringing the risks involved in betting to a minimum without which betting would become very risky as the betting odds are placed against events which nobody has any control over.

The Internet has come into picture in sports betting and this has led to the increase in popularity of online betting. Online betting combines sports betting with bookmaking and technology available over the Internet that makes it possible for people all over the world to take part in events that may be happening in other parts of the world.

Due to the introduction of bookmaking, online betting is less risky. Here the odds of a player, animal or team of winning the game or event are worked out and then priced appropriately. This way you place the betting odds on a particular team or against a team. Any which way you end up winning at least some amount even for a wrong bet.

The betting odds are decided upon by considering factors like weather conditions, location, quality of the teams, injuries, motivation to win etc. Depending on these factors, the bookmakers form a betting number. They chose a number whereby they will encourage the people betting to bet on the side which is weaker. The betting odds are also calculated depending upon the every day information of the game. These factors are worked upon with the help of formulas in order to arrive at power rankings. One look at the power rankings will tell you which way the game is heading. So make sure you check them before you place your bet.