Tag Archives: pick 4

Pick 4 Strategy Exposes State Lotteries Greatest Fear

State Lotteries across the country protect their Pick 4 lottery systems by writing rules and regulations that prevent the Pick 4 lotto results from bankrupting their systems. They shut out Pick 4 lotto players who want to win the Pick 4 by cutting off a popular number.

Sometimes players go to their local retailer to play a Quad type Pick 4 number such as “7777” only to be told that this Pick 4 lotto number is not available. The players are using their favorite Pick 4 Strategy that leads them to choose this number. Or, players play it based on a particular date.

In the Illinois Pick 4 many players around November 11, 2009, started playing “1111” and continued playing this same number hoping the Pick 4 lotto results when drawn would bring them a cash windfall. For months of being shut out when attempting to play, “1111” exposed the State’s Pick 4 Strategy. The interest in this particular number gained renewed life based on the date January 11, 2010, with 1.11.10. Pick 4 lottery systems based on dates continued to prevent players who wanted to win the Pick 4 to be shut out for another six weeks or more in Illinois from playing “1111”.

With the payout of five thousand dollars ($5,000) for every one dollar ($1) Straight Ticket, the State Lottery coffers would have to payout $1 Million for every two hundred ($200) dollars worth of winning tickets sold. The Pick 4 lottery systems that advocate “date play” that form Quads bring fear to the heart and soul of every State Lottery Office in the country. The winning Pick 4 lotto results, in this case, means the State Lottery could incur a major financial loss.

The only way the State Lotteries could prevent themselves from going “bankrupt” is by writing rules and regulations that would limit the number of tickets that can be sold on a particular Pick 4 number. Their Pick 4 Strategy is particularly focused on the Pick 4 lottery results of a “quad” being drawn. The sale of 500 winning tickets at the basic level of one dollar would result in a Pick 4 lotto payout of $2.5 Million Dollars in most States.

Every time a Quad Number is overplayed, because of popularity, the State’s Pick 4 Lottery System has to expose their Pick 4 Strategy by simply cutting off that particular number from being played.

On March 31, 2010, in the Pennsylvania Big 4, 7-7-7-7 was drawn in the evening draw. The PA Lottery had $7.77 Millions in payouts to over 3,100 players who invested wisely in this Big 4 winning number. The PA Lottery had to pay out more than $7.2 million dollars than it took in for that drawing. The Big 4 payout was a staggering 1,573 percent of sales according to the lottery spokesperson. Luckily for the PA Big 4 Lottery, quads which are very popular with pick 4 lotto players, are rarely drawn.

The last Quad to be drawn in the PA Big 4 was 2-2-2-2 on September 8, 2008, with a payout of $3.09 Million to 1,236 Pick 4 lottery players.

The Pick 4 Strategy to play Quads by so many Pick 4 lotto players exposes the strategy most State Lotteries use to counter pick 4 lotto results that could bankrupt them….this is their greatest fear.

As a Pick 4 lottery player, when was the last time you were shut out with your favorite Pick 4 Quad?

How to Win Pick 4 Lottery Tips – Winning Cash 4 Lotto Secrets

The most difficult part of the challenge of learning all the strategies to win pick 4 and to finally win is to get the accurate background required to play a lottery. You will find all the history of the lottery you are about to play on the Lottery web site of your state or country.

But the difficult part is figuring out what is important and what is not from this information that you are able to collect from these websites. The important piece of information found in these websites are to be stored as a collection of data that will later be very useful for you in winning your pick 4 lottery. So you should make a data list and thus taking some time out and do your research on it.

The first statistical question that you need to consider is when you pick the numbers that you are about to play, should you pick a number that just came out in the last drawing? Or should you leave all those numbers that came out the last time. Well the answer from the statistical point of view is of course you should pick those numbers that came out during the last draw. The chances that none of the previously drawn numbers will reappear are only 31% whereas the numbers that appeared last time may reappear at a much frequent rate. In 69% of cases at least one of the numbers that just came out will reappear. This is of course different in other lotteries!

there is a 43% chance that that one number from the previous draw is going to reappear, 20/5 chance that two of the numbers of the earlier draw is going to reappear, 4.5% chance that three numbers will reappear and a 0.5% chance that four numbers will repeat. Then you will think about how many chances do you have of a three number win.

Well your chances with that is not many unfortunately. You can expect to hit 3 correct numbers only once in every 56 picks.

From the history of the lottery you need to check how many even numbers and how many low numbers appear and reappear at each draw. You will be able to locate a pattern of this appearance and soon you will understand how to predict the winning numbers and combinations for the coming draws.

A question that comes next is how many drawings should be looked at when you are trying to find the right numbers to play with. The answer is half of the number field divided by the numbers in a set.

So what you learn from all these statistics is that in your selection at least one number should be from the last draws. You ought to play numbers with 2 to 4 even numbers and 2 to four high numbers. Eliminate from your selection those numbers that reappeared most frequently in the earlier draws.

Remembering these things are going to help you pick out the right selection of numbers in order to win pick 4. This is how you can use the history of the lottery to your own benefit. The past of the lottery you will be able to distinguish certain patterns which will make your selecting of numbers a lot easier to do. By eliminating the numbers that are less likely to recur you gradually come closer and closer to the winning numbers and winning combinations. With the help of such logic and statistics as well as mathematics soon you will be able to predict the winning numbers as fast as it can get.