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Positions at Poker Tables

Position of players at poker tables is extremely important and strategic. The poker table position of a player may be the make or break factor in a game. The position of a player is where he sits vis a vis other players. Usually the point of reference is the dealer and what is significant is whether the person in question would have an early or late action in one round of betting.

Since the dealer is the point of reference, he usually moves from position to position so that everyone gets a fair share of being in each position. Being the last to act is considered the best.

There are nine players in a full table. The different categories of positions are a) The early positions b) The middle positions c) The Late positions.

Early positions are the three positions to the left of the dealer. These are the worst positions because these position holders have to be the first to bet without having any idea about the other players’ strengths. Amongst the early positions the person exactly to the left of the dealer is the small blind. The person to his let is the big blind. The small blind has to put in any minimal amount before dealing of cards happen. The big blind has to put in an amount bigger than that of the small blind usually double.

Middle positions are better than early positions because they get to know about the early position holder; however they still have no information on the late hands. The remaining are the late positions consisting of the dealer and the other two players to his right. These are the best positions as they have the most information on all other players.

Poker being a game of chance and luck as also a game of information, complete or incomplete-the more information one has the better are his chances of making an informed decision and thus better are the chances of win. Fortunately it is easy to learn the advantages and disadvantages of each position and thus the strategies that has to be adopted.

In the early positions one has to play the best hands because being the earliest to act every precaution needs to be taken. The middle position holders too need to be cautious but they are definitely at an advantage. The best of course are the late position holders and they can afford to be least cautious.

Tips to Win the Lottery Fast

I believe everyone, including you, wanted to win lottery fast. But how, you may ask. Sales person will tell you, out of 100 persons they approach, 10 persons may be interested in the products of the sales person. Out of the 10 persons, 3 may actually buy from the sales person. From there, the sales person knows if he wanted to sell 9 products, he needs to approach 300 prospects. In another word, to increase the sales rate, the sales person needs to increase the number of prospects that he approaches.

Same rules apply here. If you want to win the lottery big and fast, the secret is to buy more. Increase the number of lottery games you buy, that will “bound” to increase the number of wins you get in any lottery game. In short, buying more will increase your winning odds.

There are any ways to increase your odds to win the lottery. If you currently play one game a week, try to add and play one more game.If you play the games correctly, your chances of winning the lottery will be doubled.

Further, if you only buy one or two tickets at one time, try to increase the number of tickets that you buy to 50 in the same game. By that, you will immediately increase your chance to win the lottery in a great deal.

You can also join a syndicate to increase your chance to win the lotto. If you take a look at the stories of the Powerball lottery, you will notice that there are a lot of syndicates which manage to pick winning lottery numbers. By joining the syndicate, you will be able to participate in the win as well.

So, play more often and get the highest number of lottery winning numbers. This will improve your odds to win the lottery. Just like the example of the sales person i mentioned above, you have to expand your scope faster. Do it consistently. You will be amazed with the result/outcome.

Alternatively, you may check out Ken Silver’s 1-minute Silver Lotto System to find out more about ways to win the lottery fast. The system was created by Ken Silver in 1991 and has benefited thousands of lottery winners.