Tag Archives: pay per

How to choose your Pay Per Head Services Provider

Choosing a reliable pay per head service can be a confusing and time consuming endeavor for local bookmakers. One place to start is by visiting pay per head review sites that can give you a heads up on which companies are using the best bookie software and how long they’ve been in business. There are many different aspects to PPH services that need to be taken into consideration before you put your players in with them.

Redundancy is a term that is used to describe a company’s ability to keep you open for business. If their servers crash or if their phone lines go down your players will not be able to place wagers and you won’t be able to make any money. Price per head companies need to start by building a solid infrastructure foundation to avoid downtime and provide the service you are paying them for. Too many PPH companies think that a couple of dusty old servers in a closet constitutes redundancy.

Price per head reviews can also give you valuable information on a company’s bookie software. Ideally they should offer you a free demo of their service that will allow you to judge for yourself if it has everything you are looking for. The industry standard with pay per head services is that they will offer you sportsbooks lines, horse racing and an online luck-entertainment center. If they cannot provide all 3 then you should give them a pass, even if you don’t intend on using every product it demonstrates that they are a serious organization and not an underfunded fly by night operation.

Privacy is another key issue that you should look for when reading through pay per head reviews. In this day and age of modern technology there are a multitude of privacy and security issues that you need to be aware of. Every day there is another story in the news about internet privacy and cell phone security issues and you need to make sure that your PPH service provider is taking them seriously.

Be prepared to roll up your sleeves and do some serious reading and research if you want to find the best price per head companies offering the best service. This is your business, your life and your livelihood. If you put your players in with the first PPH store that offers a cheap price don’t be surprised if you end up disappointed. Due diligence is the key to success.

With Bookmaking Software the Online Bookmaking Is The Way Of The Future

Bookmaking software has advanced to the point where anyone who wants to run a local sports wagering operation can do so with the same professional grade wagering platform used in major sportsbooks. Pay per head companies, located offshore in countries like Costa Rica where online wagering is legal, have opened the flood gates to advanced outsourced wagering services for local bookies.

The traditional bookmaker sportsbook operation consisted of a phone room staffed with trustworthy clerks and set up in a clandestine location. Players were only able to place their wagers at certain times or on certain days. Not only did this limit the amount of wagers a player could make each week but the operation could be shut down at any time if discovered by the authorities. Online bookmaking with a pay per head service now allows bookies to outsource this vital part of the operation to a legal jurisdiction and simply focus on collections and payments.

The best pay per head services provide bookmaker luck entertainment center games which can greatly increase the overall bookmaker hold percentage. Players will not only gamble more money but will also remain more active throughout the year. The bookmaking software will further improve on the hold percentage by dramatically increasing the variety of sports bets a player is able to make. Bookies can now offer parlays, teasers, round robins, if wins and futures bets and horse racing which they may have had to pass on before.

Mobile bookmaking is another technological wonder that bookies will enjoy. Quite simply it allows them to access all of their reports on player activities in real-time from any mobile internet device. Gone are the days where the bookie was chained to a desk in an office somewhere monitoring his player action. Mobile access gives you the freedom to conduct business on the move without missing a beat.

All of this can lead the modern day bookie to only one conclusion, signing up with a pay per head service is the best way to continue making money from local gamblers. With all the tools that online bookmaking provides, especially the mobile bookmaking applications that will keep you connected at all times, you’ll soon be making more money than ever.