Tag Archives: pay-out

How to Play it Safe with Online Casino Slot Machines

Whether or not land casino slot machines meet standard fair-gaming practices has been a subject of much discussion for some time and continues until today, particularly in light (or darkness) of the advent of online casino slots games.

The way in which land casino slot machines work allows for many “variations.” Naturally, this can easily deceive players. And while these machines and the overall practice is utterly illegal, it is safe to say some naive luck-seekers shall wind up getting screwed by more one-armed bandits, unless – mind you – they shift to playing online casino slots where there’s less risk of foul-play.

Random Number Generators (RNG) Online casino slot machines are based on electronic “random number generators” (RNG), which operate within large computer programs that control the game graphics, the players’ accounts, statistics of each round played, plus loads more.

The random number generator is made up of hard-coded software protocols which remain consistent and are rarely altered. No “magic button” exists that can be switched on & off in order to change a gambler’s odds… for better or worse. The results appear randomly and the pattern of randomness is never changed. In this sense software-based online casino slots definitely enjoy an important advantage.

The pay-out percentage rates for slots at “brick & mortar” casinos will vary from place to place. These rates can be as low as 82. In other words, the casino – or “House”- takes in a profit averaging around 4 per cent.

For the most part online casinos provide generous pay-outs ranging around 97 and 98 per cent. Providing players with better pay-out rates is simply due to the fact that Internet-based operations function with considerably lower overhead costs than “brick & mortar” casinos.

To demonstrate this point even better, imagine you are playing online casino slots with a $100 bankroll while the average pay-out percentage is 97%. Theoretically, after a few of hours of play, on average you would lose three bucks.

Hence, to answer the million-dollar question of whether online casino slots are truly fair or not, you bet they’re fair; even more so than those traditional & aptly called “one-armed bandits” packed inside land casinos.

Furthermore, a rising number of online casinos (those with the business insight to serve players better than other sites) ensure that their games are tested on a regular basis by independent, third-party inspectors and laboratories akin to Technical System Testing (TST). Any online sites truly on the up & up will gladly place a testing firm’s logo on their homepage. It simply instills confidence in their prospective clients.

Obviously, no casino, Internet or otherwise, will guarantee players that they’ll score some winnings. That’s just the nature of gambling and the major thrust behind the excitement. But gamers wishing to play online slots- or any other game via the Net – can rely on receiving two significant advantages: greater odds and consistently fair games

So, the next time you’re in need of a slots fix, even if there is a brick & mortar casino right across the street from your home, if you’re betting cash for the single purpose of winning more cash, you’re better off staying home (with the family) and playing slots at any of the more than 2,000 online casinos. The odds that you’ll come out a winner are considerably greater.

Best Casino Gambling Pay-Outs

Nobody comes to a casino simply because they want to have fun. Underneath this vague reason is the desire to bring home cash, and lots of it. Indeed, casino gambling is a way to get your hands on lots of cash in a short time. However, it can also be the way to lose cash in an even shorter time. The thing with casino gambling is that the games have different pay-out rates. For example, spending half an hour in the slots will not help you reach the hundred dollar mark unless you win the jackpot. But if you go and spend time at the roulette table, you can reach the 200-dollar mark without waiting for 30 minutes. Likewise, you could lose all your casino gambling money at the roulette table in a shorter time than it will take you to lose $10 at the slots.

The trick to maximize casino gambling profits is to choose the right games to play. High pay-out games usually give you more money for limited funds. However, skill is highly needed in playing these games. Being a novice and attempting this game with the more experienced players only make you lose your funds. The rules may vary in different casinos, but still the most favored high-paying games are blackjack and video poker.

Depending on your casino’s blackjack rules, blackjack is a game wherein a player can expect high returns providing he plays wisely. There are many variations in blackjack rules like the number of card decks, splitting and doubling bets, and other rule variations. Years back, most casino gambling websites offer great odds. If played strategically, the player even gets valuable advantage. However, rules change and now, the odds are in the casino’s side regardless of the player’s strategy. So to ensure good pay-outs in playing blackjacks, it is to your favor to seriously consider being an advance blackjack player.

Of course, not everyone is born with jacks and aces in their hands. But learning good blackjack strategy is easy. There are many free and downloadable blackjack software tools that you can download and practice on. Also, blackjack books are available at most bookstores. These books are usually authored by top blackjack players who have gained fame and fortune in playing the game. Don’t frown because nothing is easy these days. Being a winner requires effort, so that at least you can enjoy yourself doing it. With regular blackjack practice, you could soon be the next casino gambling blackjack king.

Video poker is another casino gambling game that has a reputation for high pay-outs. However, like blackjacks, video poker rules and pay-out schemes vary among casinos. Examining the casino’s pay tables is important before starting video poker, or any game for that matter. Usually, there are different video poker machines at a given casino. Be sure to choose the one with best pay tables, otherwise, you’re just giving the casino your money without a fight. Good pay tables are assurance that the game you’re playing actually favors you.

Good video poker machines usually allow over a hundred percent return the longer you play the game. Also, despite being similar to slot machines, video poker is not a game of chance. This means that you have an actual advantage depending on your skills. Consequently, you cannot play the game and expect a high pay-out without understanding the basic rules and arming yourself with useful techniques. Casino gambling is fun, but it does entail some work.

Most casino gambling websites and traditional casinos offer both games. Betting experience and game skills improve your chances of winning the games and getting high pay-outs. Though playing requires effort in learning the games and mastering the skills, it does have its rewards. Besides, casino gambling is more fun if you go home laden with cash than big debts.